ATP 5 - Do the most with what you have RIGHT NOW with Trevor Mauch

This was an absolutely amazing episode where we really jumped into the nitty gritty of Prosperity, Mindset, life, Family, goals, and so much more! Listen to this once, twice, three times!

September 29, 2020

This was an absolutely amazing episode where we really jumped into the nitty gritty of Prosperity, Mindset, life, Family, goals, and so much more! Listen to this once, twice, three times!

A little about Trevor Mauch
"I’m fortunate enough to have never had a real job for anyone else… but that also means that along the way I’ve had to make a ton of my own mistakes. Those mistakes and a handful of core operating principles on how I live my life have helped me do some pretty fun and cool things in business up to this point. Business wise my main gig is the Chief Experience Officer (CEO 🙂 of Carrot, a software as a service company that helps small businesses more easily create a website to generate inbound leads through the internet that is growing fast and well into the multiple 7 figure per year revenue range… 100% bootstrapped."

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Tyler Austin: [00:00:00] what's going on, everybody. My name's Tyler, Austin, your host, welcome to allies. So prosperity man. Today, we have an amazing, amazing, amazing individual. he is someone who I find nine to be a personal inspiration. his company is something that I, I somewhat am like, I got like my own little fan club for.
[00:00:17]it's just so amazing that the culture, the, the model that, the everything around. It's just so amazing. you guys have heard me talk about a four. We got Trevor. Mach. I think I got it right there, with us today. And man, he's got three kids, got a wife is at a Roseburg, Oregon. He's the founder of carrot, as well as a few other businesses beforehand.
[00:00:38] He's had successes. He has failures. He's an investor. He's really more than anything. He's just a really amazing individual, a man of his community. If you just go to carrot, you can just tell that. it it's someone to follow. and dude, man, I really appreciate you taking the time out of your really, really busy, week, especially just coming back from vacation, to be on allies, to prosperity podcast, man.
[00:00:58] Trevor Mauch: [00:00:58] Tether. First of all, man, I'm always pumped to hop on, but also. last year. So at times when you're out here in my, in my song soon, man,
[00:01:12]Tyler Austin: [00:01:12] Yeah, I'm ready, man. I'm so excited. I, we were looking at plane tickets today and everything booking the car, all that stuff. So I'm super, super excited, man. what we like to do in the very beginning here is we like to just get a background we've got about 10 minutes, just to really understand your story.
[00:01:26] It's your time to like, let people know like where you came from, you know, from the very beginning, you know, and then fast forward to like where you're at now so that we can get a good understanding of like, Hey, it wasn't always, you weren't always. Trevor of who Trevor, what people know Trevor, as you know.
[00:01:40] So, so bring us back, man, as far as back as you want to go, and then as it's at present,
[00:01:45] Trevor Mauch: [00:01:45] Cool dude. yeah, so grew up in small town in Oregon. I live in a different small town in Oregon. I live in Roseburg right now, but, you went to college, you know, Did that whole thing. And after that, it took about probably two years to really figure out the entrepreneur thing. I'll kind of break some of those gaps a little bit, but let me pull back into kind of where I get into real estate and kind of what bitmaps real bug the bug a little bit earlier.
[00:02:08] So when I was, probably, you know, eight, nine, 10 years old, maybe even a little bit younger, my mom, she started missing st. Our house. And like I remember in our basement, it was literally. There was this big room in our basement and we'd go down there. And there were two rows of Sheldon that she would put her stuff on there and she helped consult weddings and things like that.
[00:02:30] So she would have brides in there and a couple times a week, my weddings, and there was all the wedding and stuff on the show. It's not as kind of the first exposure that had that. You can start your own company. You can do stuff like that. And then it was probably another five years after that, that, my dad lost his job.
[00:02:47] So the company that he was working for went out of business and he was kind of faced with a similar thing, you know, where he's like, man, do I go get a job and start a company? And he ended up taking the big leap, started a company, which both of those companies are still in existence today and they're doing well.
[00:03:06] And, yeah, he went through his own journey. There got business partner are completely stab in the back within a year, sending back and on the streets, they can use his finisher, let them die. So all the files took everything and started the exact same business and kicked my dad out of the building. And my dad went down the street.
[00:03:24] About 300 yards started a company that became bigger than his he's like I'm gonna make this work. And I grew up with that influence, but at the same time, the funny thing is there might be people listening to this go, Oh, well, he's still lucky yet. You had parents who were entrepreneurs, dude. The entire time growing up, I wanted everything but running.
[00:03:43] I did not ever want to be an entrepreneur. I remember someone in high school said, Hey, you shouldn't join. FPLA it'd be like, good to get on your talk calls, transcribed script and stuff like, damn, this is sounds so boring. Like I do not want to be in business. And I think the reason for that, because growing up with, you know, two family businesses, Business for me was this, you work on weekends and you work late during the week.
[00:04:07]you sacrifice everything and, and it seems like it tracks you. It doesn't really give you more freedom. You're still complaining about money and you complain about employees and I'm like, Geez. Why, why would I ever want that? And so then in college, I started getting interested in real estate a little bit.
[00:04:25] And, my dad actually said that one day, he said, I know you're interested in real estate. they'll Carleton sheets, infomercial, pot. And he said, yeah, He said, if you really want to do it, I'd be willing to buy that course three to $500 promotion course. And, the only promises you'd have to pay me the $500 back.
[00:04:42] If you did close the deal and buy a piece of real estate in a year, I'm like. Okay. I really didn't have any money. I was in college playing baseball, you know, had no money. And so I said, okay. And the sort of researching, researching by the end of that year, I bought my first property, but it didn't, it didn't take, it took a lot of removing limiting beliefs, right?
[00:05:03] Like I'm too young. I don't have any money to buy. We were in a wealthy, we were very solid middle class, I think later on in life, like once I got into college and stuff, this was certainly way to do way better. So I didn't have a bunch of money. Right. I didn't have a bunch of money in my bank account. I had a lot of lending, so I can't get a loan, so I don't have credit.
[00:05:24] I know that guy had no credit. Right. Can't get alone. Don't have any money. And I'm 21 years old. And so that's when I started listening to the personal growth stuff, right. Someone can't remember who it was. Someone gave me like literally, the tapes, those tapes at that time, I know in other CDs, but this person had had these Tony Robbins tapes forever.
[00:05:46] And so I started listening to him like, man, this is issue. It's a whole new world. I thought personal growth and self help. It was just when you had problems. I didn't think it was a proactive thing to get better. I thought it was, you have a problem. That's a deficiency and you'd go with, get cell phone.
[00:06:00] And so I started to dig into it that helped me get rid of some of my limiting beliefs. And I ended up finding a property with the seller, carry back all the notebooks, $10,000. found a private ledger for that 10,000, just researching online, figuring out how to do that. And, I still own that property today.
[00:06:16] No cashflow since day one. So that was kinda my first real foray into it. After that dude, I saw, I thought of someone, a landscaping company on the start room. So I started a landscaping company. College had gathered my college baseball buddies. Hey, alright. So these two days, we're going to, I designed the thing, we're going to hammer it out.
[00:06:35] And I think probably five or six projects like that. But for me, I just realized this and man, I enjoy the creative part of it, but I don't enjoy doing the work. Like I wouldn't mind doing this one project, but I want to do that in a day that I think Todd was probably one of the first times I can remember.
[00:06:52] I'm starting to really discover what my unique abilities were. I didn't know what that was at that time. it took me years and years to really find my unique abilities, but in hindsight, connecting the dots like, Oh, that time right there. When I fully recognized, I love talking with the client, I love standing in their front or backyard and getting their vision out and I would draw it out and they would, Oh yeah.
[00:07:14] I love that. I love that I like gathering the people to do the work and some of the work I love, but I really didn't like digging in and finishing a whole project. And so. I didn't realize that you could actually run a company by just doing that. I thought, well, shoot, if I'm gonna run a landscaping company, I'm probably going to have to be doing a bunch of the work where I'd have to hire a good team.
[00:07:33]And so graduated college when it was a Portland, where my wife and I got married down, Clem falls or grew up, went up there for her school. And this is probably the first big decision that I made to. To really commit to risks, to commit, to looking at risk in a different way. I was always insanely risk averse.
[00:07:52] I was the kid who would go, you know, Halloween, get, get all the candy. And then in eight months, 90% of my candy is still underneath my bed. Because I didn't want to like waste it. I didn't want to use it, which is silly. you know, money, I get money for birthdays. It would all go in the bank and I wouldn't buy myself anything.
[00:08:11] Well, my brother's like spending all his money, the second he gets it. And so that was how I was, I was always insane, cautious. And so I had a chance to get that first deal done and that kind of broke some of that, that, you know, cautious, cross there. And then I went up to Portland, like I'm not going to get a job.
[00:08:28] I saw what my buddies from college, I had it done. The guy got really a good thing, any jobs out of the Gates, but I'm like, I just really know what they're going to become because I see the people that took their career 30 years down the road, they're still in the same spot in life. Maybe make an extra 20 grand a year.
[00:08:45] But most of them are unhappy. It's my aunts, my uncles, my friend's parents. Like I didn't want to be there. And so I said, okay, I'm going to get myself. You're to figure this entrepreneur thing out. I don't care if I go broke you're I just know I don't have a lot to risk. And so I did that, set out that first year.
[00:09:04] I gave myself a year and I said, man, worst case scenario. If I don't figure it out, we'll get a job at Nike down the road or something. I wish that was pretty cool. And, it took probably eight months for me to get any real, like it wasn't a moment. I couldn't call him a man. So it was more like a light at the end of the tunnel and hope, started about eight months of me just grinding and execute, execute, failing, failing, failing again.
[00:09:28]I was trying to do some marketing and starting to do some house flipping. I didn't really get committed enough on the house flipping side of things and realized for me anyway, for me, I didn't want my active income to come from real estate. I learned, I really had a passion on marketing and I'm like, well, I wonder if I can just do marketing my active income and put that money into real estate for wealth building and passive and that moment.
[00:09:52]and so do you, don't fast forward through the next two to three years. It was me figuring out how to market, how to drive leads online. How did, what SEO was, how to get ranked? Well, how did create content? I've got people on my website now, how do we actually get them to become a lead? Oh, shoot. I've got all these leads.
[00:10:09] What do I do with these leads? Now, a blog that I started teaching what I was doing as a landlord and stuff like that. What do I get these leads out and not let into a publishing company. that I partnered with a buddy of mine, Patrick Riddle, who he still owns that company today know, eat bigger your company.
[00:10:27]and in that I really learned direct response the next few years. How did you direct response marketer, Doug, any deeper on the concept marketing skillset and, and that's when. Like my real technical marketing ability started to be helped. You know, that fed into what later became carrot. I'll kind of wrap up with this right here is, is going all the way back to the landscaping thing and going all the way back to, you know, just, thinking about what I enjoy to do.
[00:10:57] One thing that happened to me was this is probably in 2011 or so to that as well. after a few years in that business, I realized that like I was waking up more days than not, not wanting to get up and do my work. You know, I was waking up, we had our first daughter, McKinley in 2010 and I remember waking up pave, able, got worse.
[00:11:17] She'd go to work and she'd take our daughter to Danny. And I just laid there in bed, like until nine, 10 o'clock some days. Just like having this pity party. And I shouldn't have, because I had a good business, like I was making as a mid 26, 27 year old guy, six figures a year, I could travel amazing wife, amazing, beautiful, healthy daughter.
[00:11:40] We own a home like the normal kind of American dream. you know, people from the outside and I'd have friends that were at jobs and they would hit me up and say, Hey, I'm miserable at work. You seem like you're doing well. What are you doing that on the inside? I'm like, man, Everything from the outside, it looks great, but inside of my heart and my core is felt empty and I didn't know why it didn't make sense to me.
[00:12:02] And so the next couple of years, man was really, that was kind of the catalyst in my journey that turned into carrot. and also it really forged a lot of mindsets mindsets I've got today, but, what kind of leader without it, I'd be happy to dive into as much of that transition, curious and want to. I know I'm not units of that, but I'd be happy to dive in as much that as you want it to, whether it's mindset stuff, how I shifted my business, all that.
[00:12:25] Tyler Austin: [00:12:25] I love it, man. It's such an amazing story in general. you know, just, just listening to the thought process that you had from start to finish throughout that whole journey. it's like, I don't know. It's kind of weird for me because it, when I think about people success and I think about that transition period of where, what made them different, like what inside made them someone different than the other person that was next to them.
[00:12:49] It's almost as like. You don't have to be born with it, but at the same time, I feel like deep down it's there. It just has to be almost like activate through influence and through experiences. And then, you just kind of continue to grow in that, like you said, like self-development, you know, you're looking at it, like it's something that you do in order to like, it's almost like if your marriage is bad and you go see a counselor, right.
[00:13:10] Rather than just being open and communicated with your spouse the whole time, you know? And, It seems like, you know, the listen to your journey, it was like, you were kind of just continued to hone and listen to your feelings and how you want it to adapt to be your lifestyle. And, and now, you know, you're at where you're at now and, and, and it was all really through all those experiences that you had up to this point.
[00:13:30] And it's just a beautiful thing. Really exciting. So what we're going to do now, we're going to jump into kind of the core meat in potatoes of the allies to prosperity podcast. And it's really 10 questions that revolve around, you know, your mindset in what I call kind of the mid of, you know, entrepreneurship and in prosperity.
[00:13:50] I think I kind of made these 10 questions. What we did. Just to give you context. As I asked out to the REI SIF community, I said, Hey, what are all the struggles that you guys have? What is everything that you do that you feel as though, if you could speak to someone directly, you know, sit down with the Trevor's sit down, you know, with, with the Dan Martell's right.
[00:14:09] Sit down with the guys who have reached where you're looking at, what you at least envisioned as prosperity. Cause sometimes it's like, you mentioned, it's not the same as well. What's on the outside versus the inside, but what would you ask them? and these are the questions that we call native from all those, those responses.
[00:14:24] So the first one for you is what is your motivator towards prosperity? Like, what is the reason why you even want to pursue it? You kind of already kind of touched on it. But I think, I think that sometimes people would people automatically the default and it definitely can be yours too, is, is my family. Right. But I asked that we try to expand it out beyond, like in bed, the family, but, but someone with your, experiences, I feel like it's like ingrained with family, but something even deeper than that.
[00:15:00] Trevor Mauch: [00:15:00] It it's such a new question. I think the first thing is, is it adjusts and evolves over time? I think, I think what I'm convicted at right now is probably be slightly different in five or 10 years. It is healthy to have it mold adjusted. You hear here's. What they have discovered is what usually happens with entrepreneurs is that first thing, that first thing that gets you to start a company or wants to start a company, that first motivation to drive it forward is usually you're trying to get away from something, but right.
[00:15:30] Like you're trying to run away from something you're trying to go away from a job. You don't lie or an income. That it isn't high enough or a ceiling that you can't get through or negative influences and family or friends who say you can't do this. You're like, I'm just to, I'm just going to do everything I can.
[00:15:47] I mean, I think that's very common for entrepreneurs to have what sort of influence of this person. I want to start a company that is, I want to get away from this now. Here's what happens though. And this is why it's so common with entrepreneurs. especially successful ones. Like you'll see in masterminds, it's so common that it's within the three to five year, time period.
[00:16:07] They flame out, or they start multiple different companies that three to five year time period, because what happens is that that motivation that they had to run away from is no longer motivation. They got away from it. They got away from the job. We got the income that is bigger than what they even thought they would get it before.
[00:16:24] And so many of us forget to now shift towards moving towards something. Okay. You have to shift from running away from something to, towards something and that three to five year period as well. Most people I did it to, or most people fall flat. And then what happens in there is you start to, I thought that this business would like.
[00:16:43] The clouds would par. And once I hear it at the same time, everything was crazy and amazing. And it just isn't, you know, I didn't unlock that thing in my gut and my heart that I thought it would. So maybe I seem to dabble in other companies. Maybe I need to invest in this. I'm going to start this side business here.
[00:16:59] I'm going to become a coach. I'm going to do something. He does all this stuff and it looks cool on the outside. But what ends up happening inevitably is most of the time that business had gotten there, sort of fizzled down because they didn't put people in process to keep it going. And then this is going after many times don't work.
[00:17:18] And then, you know, within five years, certain many entrepreneurs are back to Grover. They'll be set. And it's a cycle I went through and it's a cycle. I see other people going through. So for me personally, man, about three years into caring, what I was trying to run away from right, was my previous company that I didn't like that I didn't enjoy it.
[00:17:35] They didn't give me passion, freedom, purpose, you know, all that stuff. Once I got those initial things. And then I started running towards a mission. Like I really truly in passionate about this area of Roseburg. We bought the building next door. We've got this one here, there's a building across the street over there.
[00:17:51] I'm gonna go look at tomorrow. I'm like, I don't know. I wanna, I want to make a small rural community strive started here. I feel really passionate about rural and how it's important to the fabric of our, of our nation and how underserved rural is. I think that's something we can get part of. you know, I'm really passionate about.
[00:18:09] Like, this is why I do podcasts. That's why I do this stuff. I'm insanely passionate about driving towards helping entrepreneurs, build businesses and give you freedom and impact. Most entrepreneurs don't have that. I of this dream that you started. But then that business ends up, ends up trapping. You know, I think entrepreneurs are the ones who are going to make the most difference, the most change in the world.
[00:18:32] If I can only help you unlock that business, that gives you a true purpose, passion create impact in the world's a better place. And so those are among my main drivers. I think it's important to have more than one. more than one common driver outside of the family. And, and then the last one for, for me is this and this one's just more recently the past year and a half to two years.
[00:18:54]nobody's transparent. Like I could sell carrots tomorrow and made more money than I would ever have dreamed that making ever in my life it'd be like multigenerational wealth kind of thing, but I'm not even considering it. Because part of my personal motivation and mission on the prosperity side of things is I want some learn how to be a better leader.
[00:19:15] Like I truly want to learn how to grow the company through the space. I want to learn how to grow leaders in a better way, because imagine if I become a, an amazing leader of leaders, what else can I surround leaders around? to change the world. So those are my drivers. Do local, becoming a better leader for what, what kind of drive, you know, change around the future.
[00:19:34] And then truly helping entrepreneurs get unlocked from businesses to attract.
[00:19:40]Tyler Austin: [00:19:40] Dude. I love that. I don't want to insult a previous guest as far, but it's definitely the best response, because it's, it's contextual, right? It's like, I, I. I feel like it's almost like just saying my family is, is really kind of like a scapegoat, because that's an obvious thing. It's obvious that we want to do these things for our family, but really.
[00:20:00] It's not really so much our family, because our family, is the underlying fabric of why we are who we are I feel. And, but if you and your mission, your passions, the things that you enjoy, aren't actually being taken care of, right. You're probably not gonna be able to perform with your family the best way that you can, and you're not gonna be able to reach the prosperity kind of with them.
[00:20:20] You know, I think Jim, Ron had said something, I'm going to kind of butcher the quote a little bit, but essentially happiness is in the moment. Right. And I always tell people, it's like, if happiness is in the moment, then the only way that you can actually focus on being with your family  in the present, whether, you know, swimming and doing these things is by taking care of everything else that you're working towards.
[00:20:40] Because otherwise you're always going to have that in the back of your mind, like, Oh shoot, did I send that email that I do this? Did I do that? So I think family is a huge part of that, but I think like your mission, it's really awesome. Especially I knew you were going to probably delve into the community there because you really are super passionate about it, which I'm really excited to see more on when I come to care camp.
[00:20:57] Trevor Mauch: [00:20:57] Say this one, this one kind of on the family side of things. And obviously I hope that all entrepreneurs that's part of why we do what we do is.
[00:21:05] We build amazing life for our families. But if you're using an example, I would say, Hey, I'm doing this for my family, but then 2016, you know, in, in that, in that time period, before I really learned how to build a team, I was working a lot of hours.
[00:21:19] I didn't, I didn't care. So I enjoyed it, right? Like when you're in those early phases, you enjoy working a lot of hours, just flies by thinking about it. And so. I would work until one, two, three in the morning, sometimes for a morning, writing content, reaching out to people. And that was multiple days a week thinking I'm going to do it cause it's only hurting me and it's not going to impact my family.
[00:21:39]and then one day, you know, after one of those images of thinking, in fact, anyone but me, and we get up, we're driving to my parents' house a few hours away through the mountains and, No the day I fell asleep, I fell asleep, driving our car with three kids in the back, my wife and the seat next to me, I'm literally like in the movies you got the ravine, you got the guard rail, whole thing up there.
[00:22:05] 200 yards turn behind these no guardrail. And so just like the perfect, For that instance anyway, and I woke up and just enough time, just like, as if it were a movie to see the guard rail swerve hit the guard rail and I stopped dead cold in the middle of road. And like, I can't like you need to drive.
[00:22:26] Cause she's reading books, she didn't see it happen. And so from that point on, I said, I said, This business cannot be run off the back of my own time. I can't scale this business while I'm also scaling my time. And I realize all the time I was talking about Hayes from my family, from my family. I almost almost killed my family.
[00:22:44] It wasn't for my family. My family was getting the benefits of it. Honestly for me, right. It was just, I wanted to do was interesting work. I felt like it was impactful. also there's some ego stuff that trickles in there. And so if it was for our families, we would be working two hours a week, not 40 hours a week.
[00:23:01] If it was for our families, we spent out in 38 with our families. So that's where I, didn't better to find that balance. And I'm glad that's a challenge. You're challenging us to think about.
[00:23:12] Tyler Austin: [00:23:12] Yeah, I think that's huge, man. That's very, impactful words. I think a lot of people are going to resonate with that because I've experienced pretty similar situations. my cell was like, you just burn out, you know? and, and I think that work life balance and being able to really, if you're going to do it for your family, you got to build the company to be able to be with your family and, and how you do that is through.
[00:23:33] You know, the other missions that you set set, you know, for you to accomplish. I love it. Alright. Second question. I mean we think we all pretty much know this answer, being that you are the founder of carrot, but you know, what's your main, revenue stream for wealth specifically.
[00:23:48] Trevor Mauch: [00:23:48] Yes. Yes. My active income of course comes from from carrot. So I get salary there and, quarterly distributions of profits. That's good. and that's all intentional. Like after my, in my last company, it was in Boston, it's been up and down. We made a lot of money, but it was sort of stressful on the monthly basis.
[00:24:05] Cause it wasn't predictable. And so that was one of my nonnegotiables credit, a company that has predictable, consistent income in that can be in this building a valuable asset. So that's why both the company wouldn't be here. other, other income out there. So I'll take my money and put it into real estate.
[00:24:22]I will take money and invest it into like, I'll do loans, private loans. and other than that, I'm a really crappy investor, man. Like I'm good at making, investing money. That's for sure.
[00:24:34] Tyler Austin: [00:24:34] Okay. So, so let me ask you this. You mean, you mentioned earlier that it's kind of a side I bar question, we have these on these questions. so, so basically software is your income day. That's like your primary active income is software building things that serve people, and it really sort of investors.
[00:24:51]but how. How come you chose the software side rather than the realistic cause everyone says that wealth is built through real estate. Like they have you look at every of the richest people in the world, they have real estate, you know, but then, you know, knowing what you could exit out, you're like, well, I would almost argue differently.
[00:25:09] So why software and what attracts you to doing software rather than just buy, like exiting and just buying a bunch of real estate.
[00:25:15] Trevor Mauch: [00:25:15] The richest people in the world were built, from businesses, right? Like if you look at the rich richest people in the world right now, There are people that are rich because of the business equity, not because of the real estate holdings. you look at Warren buffet it's because he owns one piece of it in his book.
[00:25:30] He talks about his real estate investments. That was one property in New York. Everything is business now, and this is course, bagels, business, Microsoft business. Like you can go on down the line, the richest people they're built because of this now, a really good, a really good way to store wealth. And preserve wealth over the longterm and gain it is real estate.
[00:25:53] But in general, I think, I think if you're looking for a faster way to build wealth, not saying easier and less need easier, but a faster way to build massive wealth. It's through creating a business that adds value. It's fun of people that you can sell. If you want us to sell a really good, tried and true way to build longterm wealth.
[00:26:14]Tyler Austin: [00:26:14] So basically, you know, you can do both. I mean, that's, that's like what I do, right. I have my real estate company does really well. And I built a software company on the side and, you know, my goal is to make the transition, like you've done to where, you know, everything's in software and then I could take that money and put it into real estate and just have that leg going.
[00:26:32] So I think it's, I just think that people, a lot of times, like, especially when they're starting off. And because all of our users and your users are, or all in real estate, it doesn't necessarily mean like, in my situation, I took my, my real estate income and I put it to build REI sift, and now REIC is a building and now REI
[00:26:52] Pretty much does better than my real estate company. And it's going to continue to do that compounding hopefully. Right. but that's not all where it's going to stop over time. You continue to delve in, you buy more real estate. Maybe you get into another business in my mind. I'm like, I just want an umbrella, you know?
[00:27:06]so I think that's cool. I think it's, it's, it's really interesting to hear the perspective of somebody else who has a little bit of everything in a lot of something.
[00:27:15] Trevor Mauch: [00:27:15] It's about letters too, right? So like, if you look at real estate, the best real estate investments are ones where you have really, really good leverage, but also where it's more safe for you, right? You don't want to have high leverage and high risk. You want to have. Really really good leverage and low risk.
[00:27:30] And so like the building over there, I put $10,000 into it. That's it. And a bottom building on order care. So there's really, really high leverage there. And now I use outside money, not my own money to help fund renovation and all that stuff. And then attendance. Pay for the rent. Right. So very high leverage there.
[00:27:48] But the problem with that is in at least in my mind, so I'm not a professional real estate investor. So I haven't figured out how to scale that model other people I had figured out. I haven't, the problem for me then there is in order to, to reach the same amount of wealth, let's say my company carrot could do, or another type of company to do.
[00:28:07] I would have that one so much little space. And have it be a completely different model now with software, let's say versus a consulting company, or let's say versus owning a grocery store or something like that. Once it's leveraged, there's a reason I chose software specifically. I invested in some software companies back then 11 one of them died and the other one is doing an amazing.
[00:28:29]today they're actually in SAS Academy, this Christmas on sales message. So I own part of that. And, that was my first four for rains. Right. And I'm like, dude, there's so much leverage here. Cause the way to software companies, that value is it's a multiple of your revenue. Right. So I'm going to make this stuff and you know, this, this will be yeah.
[00:28:47] Good insight for many people on the call. Is if we earn a dollar in revenue, depending on if we were to sell the company before not right, but let's say that we were that valuable anyway, it's worth somewhere between three and eight times revenue in value of the company, depending on a bunch of factors.
[00:29:05] And so every dollar that you add is worth three, four, five, six, seven, $8 nine. Versus for me, every dollar I add in rental income as a much lower multiple in value. So that is why, but what you said earlier, I'll toss it back to you is key is the wholesaling and flipping houses is an amazing way to generate income and amazing way.
[00:29:27] Other big thing is, is having the longterm insight to go. Is this my end or is this my means? What is the end? What am I going to take this cash into and put it into for that long term to get you off of that hamster wheel patent attorney deals all the time.
[00:29:41] Tyler Austin: [00:29:41] Love it. Fantastic. okay. Number three. what is your routine? Teen look like as far as like your, your mornings in the evenings, nothing in between. What is like your like, cause I know you got one he showed on Instagram, you know, like I'm really curious outside before you show on Instagram that you guys are working out.
[00:30:01] Like, how does the morning work?
[00:30:03]Trevor Mauch: [00:30:03] This is honestly something that I've always really struggled with. so anyone listening to this that has had struggles with waking up early consistently, or as being consistent in general, I can tell you that I still struggle with that as well. So you'll have from, you know, that in life and successful, it definitely helps in a big way.
[00:30:21] But, so my, my routine right now, it definitely got shaken up a little bit or in the COVID stuff, which is a major excuse, but it did. And so now I would wake up a little later than I am SU I'm waking up maybe six or six 30, five to five 30 for want to go to, but I'm a paced Maurice, which is up here correctly.
[00:30:42] I was at Bernie took off, but that's usually between six and six 30 right now. I'll get up enduring. One thing I've started to do is I ran a half marathon and it was training during that. And one of the things I sort of adopted all love, man, is rolling out my muscles and stretching. I'm like, dude, if there's no other habit, I continue after this.
[00:31:01] Like if I don't keep running, I'll do the stretching twice a day. So it's transformational. And so I, I get up in the morning, find a nice sunny spot in my house. That's always the same spot there. And I take the little foam roller and roll up my muscles, do the same thing every time and do a couple, a little bit of stretching.
[00:31:18] It takes 10 minutes, max completely. It's like my favorite thing in the morning. I was telling the carrot waterfalls with me. So I've got a cute waterfall and I always keep my glasses secure of last on my windows, still up by our kitchen. I'll  drink two of those. One of those isn't as plain. It doesn't one is with it's either organic the stuff here, or sometimes athletic greens.
[00:31:41] I'll switch them out. Since I'll drink a cup of ice water in the morning. And then there's where I want to improve my habits a little bit. I'm kind of spotting my reading. Now I'll read probably every third day. So I just find a way to get distracted. I'll eat a light breakfast on a, on a big one now, you know, it's usually banana.
[00:31:59]drinking and that's probably about it for breakfast and then I I'm going to work out. So I don't, I personally don't really work in the morning and it's not because I don't want, need to wake up earlier, frankly. So evening I feel pretty decent on my evening routine. I think the only thing I'd love to modify is maybe about half hour earlier to bed, which will help me get up, get up.
[00:32:24] So, usually shut down the business. Five, five 30, sometimes four 30. I don't really work Friday afternoons also. I was taking this off. And then the computer goes away and it's just hanging out, like literally hanging out with my wife, hanging out with my kids in the summer. We'll go out and we're swimming until probably six or seven o'clock at night.
[00:32:43] I'm like what they're in kayaks summers are just like our favorite spot or favorite sun every year. And then, if I read is usually reading in the evenings. And, in animals, food bed. So it's nothing magical. Like I would love to tell everybody, Hey, here's these five things to completely change your routine?
[00:32:59] I think, I mean, we're, I'm just not in the best routine that I want to be in yet. but I'll, I'll get there, but it's working. It's just not where it wants to be.
[00:33:10] Tyler Austin: [00:33:10] Right. It's a continuous thing, right? Like, am I in sucks? I'm the first one to say it. I suck at routine. I always say, this is what it is. I get a bullet journal. I write it out. I try to make sure that I have a routine. but then business takes over and I'm up until three or four o'clock in the morning.
[00:33:24] And then I wake up. You know, to get on the auto lead gen challenge or, you know, it's always, sometimes this is constant chaos. Somehow you still fit in. I still fit in my reading. I still fit in some of these micro things that I wrote that I, that I do. I, what I've done a really strong to kind of help with that.
[00:33:40] Is, for example, my coffee, I only do pour over coffee now and I need my coffee. So that makes me stop and actually have something that I do consistently. So I, I forced myself by removing other things and putting those in, in place. right now I don't have my audible app on my phone so that it forces me if I do want to read.
[00:33:58] To sit down and read a, it's not really a good habit for a bad habit by smoke cigars. So I'll smoke a cigar. And that's when I read, because that's a time for me just to sit there. so I've tried to adopt things, kind of put it in there, but again, I think, your routines better than mine.
[00:34:14] Trevor Mauch: [00:34:14] Here's what they were invited to this really deep care camp too. And I've adjusted this model a bunch less, six to eight months, but one of the biggest things that helps for me when I recognize that I'm not quite in that routine, that I want to be. It's usually I pull back and go, well, shoot, I don't have a clear vision locked in my mind of the person that I'm wanting to become in those moments.
[00:34:37] Like I started to lose that. Isn't right. And I've got this, this model with all of that. It's really deep that care camp and show some stuff in addition to that, for them to show me anywhere else. And in that model, it's essentially this, not sure this before, but in order to change your habit routine, your, your.
[00:34:54]disciplines. It was all the way over to some beliefs, right? It's like your beliefs influence your choice, your choices. Influenced your choice to become your commitments. When you make a choice to not, whether it's good or bad food, you're choosing to do that healthy thing, or you're choosing to do the unhealthy thing.
[00:35:12] It becomes a commitment of yours. When you make a commitment long enough, it is your discipline. And then your disciplines are your reputation as who you are. And so when we start to look at those parts of our lives, like, why am I not showing up? And this is, why am I not showing up? Why is that person nailing their habits?
[00:35:30] It's usually because first of all, You got an insanely clear vision of who the heck you want to be? You know, like if there's someone you really admire, like Dan Martell, dude. I would, I love hauling his stuff. I've got to start shirt on it. I love all of them. I'm sure he's got claws, like all of us, but I'm like those things he does.
[00:35:50] I want that, like, I'm wanting that consistency that he's got and that's part of my envision of who I am. And then you always have to beliefs and go, okay, what beliefs are getting in my way from making the wrong choices. So if you're not drinking the water or waking up early, like you say, if you want to do it.
[00:36:07] What belief is holding you back? Well, I'm not a morning person and that's a belief holding you back. I'm really challenged. And then you go on through that. If you say you're not a morning person, then you're a good, you're going to make choices that reinforce that belief, right? I'm not a morning person.
[00:36:22] So what am I doing? I'm going to promise stay until 11 four o'clock, which makes me not a morning person, which then becomes my commitment to not be a morning person, which is my discipline. It's not being a morning person. And that is my reputation. And so in order to change that have a crystal clear vision of who you want to become grabbed different traits, you, people that you look up to.
[00:36:41] Lock them in your brain, write them down, review them on the daily basis. That's when I started to slip off and that's when I stopped reviewing them or visualizing that, and then came over to your beliefs and go, what beliefs are in my way of making choices. Now, every single time you have a choice to grab the water or soda, or to go, go to bed late with that extra TV show or shut that expertise to go off and go to bed at 10, o'clock ask yourself would the person I want to become, what would the person I want them to come to?
[00:37:09] Would they shut the TV off and go to bed right now, they pick up the book instead of picking up Instagram, would they get out and run and lace up this user, come up from C's to not run a, what would the personnel want to become every time I do that, dude, I get on it fire. And, it's just a couple of things I forget to do sometimes.
[00:37:26] And before you know it, you know, damn like the edge is off. Oh shoot. I don't exactly visualize where I want to make sure my habit triggers in place and get back into it.
[00:37:38] Tyler Austin: [00:37:38] I love that it's like, we get to a lot of people say you are who you are, but I don't really believe that, you know, I believe that you can make yourself into who you want to be. I don't think, I think there's a lot of people there's too many success stories of where people came from really, really bad places and are something great now, or, you know, So I think that's awesome.
[00:37:55] It's like we can be, we can be Legos if we want to be. so, alright. So how does someone like yourself stay current? You know, you do SAS, you do real estate, you, you do a mixture of different things. Like how do you make sure that you're always on top of your game, in all the different things you try and affiliate with?
[00:38:11] Trevor Mauch: [00:38:11] I think it's surrounding myself with smart people, like people who are smarter than me and, or have the time to dive in spots. I know. So SAS Academy to mastermind together a GHDI how many really good coach. here locally. I had a group of entrepreneurs that we meet with monthly. I think that's the main thing, cause I don't really read the news.
[00:38:30]I do like I do like magazines. So, each magazine, fast company, Oregon business journal, stuff like that. I'll go through that stuff, but everything else is from the network.
[00:38:40] Tyler Austin: [00:38:40] Right. A hundred percent that's networking. It seems to be the, just, it really is. Then when they say the network is your net worth like that is, there's such an accurate statement as it's just proving true every day and day. I'm awesome. Okay. So, now this next question, kind of ties into question four there, but like, what is your number one habit?
[00:38:59] We be it good, bad or ugly. Doesn't matter. if you want to be honest and it's like your worst habit, maybe you chew your fingernails. I don't know whatever it is. What's your worst habit
[00:39:08] or best habit.
[00:39:09] Trevor Mauch: [00:39:09] Yeah, my worst, because this is honestly the one that I'm working on right now. Is not struggling with it for years. is my phone new, like I, I just find myself, going through these waves where, you know, give me my bathroom and I'll be fine, you know, put the charger in there and I won't sleep next to that stuff.
[00:39:29] I wake up earlier. I go to bed earlier, mindsets, noise spots, you know, sit in and flip through Instagram at 11 o'clock at night. and then something will. We'll just migrate that charger back over there. And then another week later it's like, Oh my nice. And like, how did that happen when we're stabbing?
[00:39:46] Is that one thing is usually the thing that will be the dominant of the books or everything else. It'll make me go to bed. It'll make sure I didn't read because I would flip them the worst habit that I've got. I think the best habit is drinking. A lot of water. I've heard a crapload of water. I was watching a reporting of a podcast today.
[00:40:07] I didn't even notice them while I was doing it. I literally had to have my 32 minutes care bottles on the desk. And I will on Thursdays. I only have one here today, but, I had a two there because I'm like, I didn't want to walk back there and fill it up when I'm on podcasts. And I drink over a hundred ounces of water a day, like changing.
[00:40:25] Tyler Austin: [00:40:25] Yeah, that's huge. I've been trying to adopt what I've realized is that I suck throughout the whole day. So then at nighttime I drink like six of these little bottles. and I don't know, I need to drink a lot more, but I, I do know that it makes a big impact is mean. Dan says it, you say it, you can tell just in.
[00:40:42] I wake up way better in the morning for sure. And then the days when I don't.
[00:40:45] Trevor Mauch: [00:40:45] You get rid of that for me, I get rid of the afternoons when I don't drink the water in the morning and throughout the day come through four o'clock in the afternoon. Like I'm probably going to be crashing slush fund any good, but the water helps to even that out.
[00:41:01] Tyler Austin: [00:41:01] Right. Purge it. awesome. Okay. So, we talked about your routine, but like what's, what's kind of like in between the morning and the evening, once you're accurate, like what is someone that runs a business that at your level have to do day in and day out? I know you have a really awesome weekly schedule.
[00:41:17] They kind of hold to, so maybe give some people some insight on that.
[00:41:20] Trevor Mauch: [00:41:20] Yeah. So the first thing that usually do it is different today than it was awhile ago. Right? So I want to give people context. Some of the things I do now, I have the ability to do them 17 to 37 people. Now, when I had two people or five people, it was a lot different, but I'll tell people what I do now. so I didn't have a full time assistant who, she has a routine for me as well.
[00:41:44] So she'll come and make sure that the desk is clear and make sure my essential oil thing is turned on. She's actually on vacation right now. Some of the stuff's getting done, but also to make sure that those types of things are on. If it's a podcast day, a lot of balls for your bill, a little things like that.
[00:42:00] I know that my son is kind of petty, but those are the types of things that I enjoyed and they helped me, but I usually don't do. Because I, I may, I get too busy, helps me set the environment. That's the first thing is all come in is my environment stuff. If my desk is messy or something like that, more often than not do what I need to do to reset the environment.
[00:42:20] Cause that's an important clue. Number two. then I got to get clear on what that can do with that. Okay. So before I say, how do you want to work? And then like in the office, walking by and stuff like that, then I bring up my, my goal and habit tracker, which is just a spreadsheet. And you can grab it. I can give you the link if you want me to grab it.
[00:42:40] habits. I think. for session habits. we can get the habit tracker there and, it's simple. Like, Oh, I'll pull it up on a Monday morning. I'll look at what my monthly commitments are. on the, on that thing. Are you five monthly commitments, five weekly commitments, five daily commitments. That's my, that's my process.
[00:42:57] Five, five, any more than that? I tend to be putting too big of a list. And I ended up doing the easy crap, but maybe not the most important stuff. So each month I plan out my five monthly commitments that feed into the quarterly plan and objectives each week on a Monday morning or something, I'll plan out the five weekly objectives that feed into our goals for the month.
[00:43:19] And then every day I'll sit down. And I'll look at those weekly objectives on that, having an old tractor, and I'll say, what do I need to do today to drive that forward? And so that'll take probably five minutes. After I've tagged that nail, that I then look at my calendar, what I used to do. I would look at my calendar first and then I'll get into my work.
[00:43:38] But now when I started to do it, I'm like, Oh, well, I'm going to look at my objectives and what's important first. And then I'm going to go make sure my calendar matches up with that because before I do the work, I'm like, shoot, I got through the weekend. It doesn't feel like I got the important stuff done because my camera's already booked out.
[00:43:53] And so now I actually will adjust my calendar. I I'm I'm, it's not, it's not beneath me man, to show up on a Thursday and say those few podcasts that are scheduled are that important to being more rescheduling for three weeks out or something way more important than that I bump up. And so I look at the calendar next, make sure it matches those objectives.
[00:44:14] And then I'll kind of dig into my work. I block my time. I say they could get better at it, but that cadence works pretty well.
[00:44:21] Tyler Austin: [00:44:21] I love that. Making sure that, you know, you talked about vision earlier, right? If you guys notice a trend here, it's like everything has, and it's based on something that you're trying to work towards either the next day, the week after the quarter, everything has a vision associated. I'm sure. And I know that you, you do stuff like this, even in your, like your personal residence, you kind of show like you have playbooks, even for like, like, I think I've seen one for like your lawn, right?
[00:44:45] You have your lawn playbook, you have playbooks for everything that can be looked at. And it's more thinking about, well, what if I'm not around? Like, everything has an intent of freeing up time. Right. And all of that wraps back around to, you know, what your motive is for prosperity was everything's kind of interconnected there's, which is really awesome.
[00:45:04] Trevor Mauch: [00:45:04] Let me build on that a little bit. I know I'm probably making this a little bit longer, but.
[00:45:09] So really thought important pop that's me recently on that topic. So, people would look at me and goes, shoot. If you were to come into my organization, see how I'm process or systems, or now I'm starting to make like frameworks, like Martell is influence on me.
[00:45:24]they go, Oh, that must be just one thing. One of those things he's good at, like, I'm not good at process. I'm a. You know, someone might say I'm an eight quick start in two falls through. I just couldn't be like terror. I'm an eight quick starts. He falls. Okay. So I'm not a person who naturally will sit down and write process of what the deal is.
[00:45:43] Going back to the vision that you said there earlier. Tyler is I have a vision for what I want this business to create for me, for the community, for others. and I'm very clear what I wanted to do for me and what I don't want to do for me. I wanted to support me and my family. I don't want to support it.
[00:45:57] And usually the, every single time I sit back and go shoot, how, how, how am I needed in this part of the company? Why did I get myself holding that part? It's usually because there's not a process. And so for me, it's out of necessity. I'll look at it and go. I've got to sit down and write this process for her well maintenance, right?
[00:46:15] Like that's when it's not an industry, I'm not sure if anybody is literally like seven pages of everything, like our water system and the filters and links to the Amazon thing that I bought it on our air force draw on auto on auto ship. Now I'm in a lease to the product, the actual hands on product. And when it's been shipped, like everything is down to a science like that.
[00:46:35] And people might go, well, that sounds boring. Or why do you do that? Freedom is actually gained through that. Like that's how you get freedom. People think the opposite. And I did see people think, well, shoot, if you've got a soul, everything is so much process. Isn't that kind of constraining? No, that is where freedom comes from because.
[00:46:53] I can give that damn process to my handyman and say, sweet, this is all you now like, hit me up. If anything bounces out of this, or I can now go into work and say, Hey, now, no, no someone else gets to handle this. And here's the boundaries to operate within it. If it comes out of those boundaries and hanging out, we'll discuss it.
[00:47:13] That's where freedom comes from. That's how I was able to take a full month off without checking into work. No one checked and me in our business was big when I got back. Freedom comes through the discipline of creative process.
[00:47:24] Tyler Austin: [00:47:24] I love it. It's fantastic. It's funny. Cause I had, the challenge, which you've heard me mentioned before. It's like a, in that challenge. It's called the auto Allegion challenge. Like how do you make auto Legion? Well, you have to do a lot of processes to make it happen. Right. so I had, I had someone come in and if you're listening to this, sorry, but it still sticks with me.
[00:47:45]you know, they came in and they joined in the challenge two days late. And, it was when I was teaching training and how to build processes and they go, well, why do we need this? If we haven't even really started yet, I'm like, well, where are you at now? And they're like, well, I have a contract. I'm like, okay, well, how many things happen between figuring out how to, you know, set up a carrot website to start your PPC, to getting the contract, to like that whole sequence.
[00:48:12] I'm like, well, I just, it just hasn't closed yet. I'm like, okay, well, you haven't answered my question. There's a lot of stuff there. So if you document that all now, the next one is going to be that much easier and so on. So like, if you do that in your life, I mean, I can't, I probably have to change my filter right now.
[00:48:26] You got that. Yeah. You know, it, it makes everything better like that. Not having your filters changed out. It's going to have neglect on your home. And if you. We get busy. If you want to be separated a month out of the year, like Trevor, then maybe, maybe just don't ask so many questions and RN, right. Robyn duplicate Trevor's process and just make it right.
[00:48:50] Because it makes perfect sense to me. I don't know, maybe, maybe I'm just as much of a crazy person as you, but, it makes perfect sense to me. Okay. So, okay. So that's, what's in between the lines. so this is one of my, one of my favorite questions. the whole podcast is, you know, we talked about your network is your net worth.
[00:49:11]but for me, I don't want this question to, to be confused with, This question is like your, your very first person that you returned to. So we don't do the business alone. Right? We're, we're all part of a big team to get to success. So like, who is your personal allies? I called this podcast allies to prosperity so that everybody that's part of it knows like, are you as a nation as a world, right?
[00:49:37] We are all trying to reach the same place. And if all of us could just get into like a sync on that, I just think it'd be a much happier place in general because people want to be so cutthroat, you know, but in our personal lives, we're associated with people who are those people who are in sync. So if, if you were to need something done, or if you were to have a fire that kicked up that you needed put out, like, who are the allies that you turn to.
[00:50:02] Trevor Mauch: [00:50:02] Yeah, man. I've been very fortunate for sure. Last 10 years. go out there, create and foster a great community of people. and same thing. I think there's gonna be people listening to this sort of like, well, of course he can, because he's got the, the reason that I was able to grow the business or the reason that I am involved in the community is because I chose to step out and do that when I knew nobody.
[00:50:22] Right. Like I created the networking groups. Cause I didn't know anybody. And so everyone. Guys. I started coming in and Roseburg, not knowing a soul here. And I built up that network by talking to people and getting out there that advice. So one of the people that I experienced to quite often, actually every Thursday, when I get together at four o'clock, so this podcast and meet with my CTO.
[00:50:43] And then, but, Seth, you actually my friend and mentor, he's got an office here in the building. I believe he'll be your care camp. I need to check. But he's run multiple companies while the tens and millions sold them. He actually is working with us, you know, also some turn on board meetings and get consult there.
[00:51:00]and he's just an amazing man of faith. I came outside of faith and family and just really important stuff all the time. So he's just an amazing friend and mentor. We all turn to you. my dad, my parents, is definitely my dad's like all of the stuff I said earlier about the, the reason I didn't want to start companies.
[00:51:18]he's the opposite of that, which is positivity in life. You know, that's where I get my positives from my dad and my grandpa. And then, so my dad is a huge influence and of course my wife, man. So like, she is, she she's the opposite of mean most things. She's very tiny and I had to become very tidy over the years, but. And then C she's consistent. and, she's always been very supportive of the crazy schemes I've got. So those three are probably the main ones that come up and talk on Monday.
[00:51:48] Tyler Austin: [00:51:48] I love that one time, offline. I had told, I had mentioned that question to someone and they're like, well, don't you think that's going to like, make like, put someone in a bad situation if they don't name somebody and someone listens to it and they're like, Oh, I'm like, I don't think so. I think that it's just a,  it's like.
[00:52:04] Internally, we have those people, you know, like I know that there's people that I can call if I'm in a bad situation, whether it be mentally, physically in general. And they're just, they're right. They're my ally. Like we don't have to be in the same places in life, you know, but I just know that they're going to be there for that situation.
[00:52:23] You can have different ones for different things. It does not like you just have to have this one person and that's the only resource, you know, it's like, Again, allies. Right? So I love that. especially, especially the, the mom, the dad, the wife, and of course, one of your business acquaintances, best friend, good stuff.
[00:52:41]okay. what, what have you found that you need to avoid to keep focus now? we already mentioned earlier your phone, right? So we got to not use that one. We got to have, we're gonna have to do something else. We know we gotta get off the phone, but like, is there something else that you find that you do, that will put you off, you know, your focus.
[00:52:59]Trevor Mauch: [00:52:59] Yeah mean kind of going back to food. And I know for me, I, I worked for years, not drinking less water and not really realizing how dehydrated I wasn't, how most people, most people are. that's probably number one, like eating crappy food and not drinking enough water for me outside of, you know, the phone distraction, stuff like that.
[00:53:22] So. I do as much as I can. Same thing with COVID some of those processes you got, you got kind of tore apart. They need to re back up, but CRICO, but I had people delivering food to the office weekly, and it met a very certain criteria. Like I wanted to set food. And so that would make my lazy, but not have to go outside of the building and get it, which is good.
[00:53:43] And then, the water, same thing. Like I wasn't drinking water, so I had to figure out, well, what do I do? What should I do to make it. So I will drink enough water. Well, I tried it on the six or seven different types of water bottles, and then the one that are carrot, water bottles, those are the best when I use now I can shut in the water.
[00:54:00] That's big. And then the next thing was put the actual water cooler for the whole office. Like this, the big office is right behind this door. So it's like right next to.
[00:54:10] Well, and so those little things like that, I think we all have to look at those things. What are things that throw you off? Look at the opposite.
[00:54:18] Well, how do I prevent against that? And then put the things around you to make you can see. So it doesn't say bottom low power.
[00:54:24]Tyler Austin: [00:54:24] I love that. Now, just to spin off of that one, if you, if, if you were put in front of you, the food that, you know, you have to avoid. Which one would you not be able to avoid? Because you just love it so much. What's your guilty pleasure when it comes to food?
[00:54:39] Trevor Mauch: [00:54:39] Yeah. Anything carbs? Like I,
[00:54:42] Tyler Austin: [00:54:42] Yeah. Hardy.
[00:54:43] Trevor Mauch: [00:54:43] yeah, like chocolate dude, like I really like chocolate, which is more healthy than the other, but not, we need a lot of it. So, yeah. Carbs and stuff. I, I could totally live without carbs. Like put a pizza in front of me.
[00:54:57] Tyler Austin: [00:54:57] Yeah.
[00:54:58] I thought you were going to say carrot cake. I really thought you were going to say.
[00:55:01]Trevor Mauch: [00:55:01] It's the only food I'm allergic. I can eat carrot cake. I can eat like most lawn stuff, but if you give me like a carrot, so if you offer like lettuce lemon style, you also get an he lives as you get your mouth.
[00:55:14] Tyler Austin: [00:55:14] As crazy as what? okay. So, okay. Number 10. nobody talks about their failures. You know, we've talked about a lot of successes right now. We've talked to all my minus the routine failures and things like that. But like, I want to, I want to hear like when he, one of your failures, and then like, what was your number one learning point from that?
[00:55:33] That you'll never do again.
[00:55:34]Trevor Mauch: [00:55:34] Honestly, there's a lot of them that that's, that's why I'm pausing. So like which one to pick, I think if you don't mind, let me give two, the first one will be really fast. and this one do keeps on cropping out. So I just need to resolve this, in life in general, because like this one keeps popping up for me, but the only thing I've ever quit my life, I do regret.
[00:55:55] And, it was in, in baseball, in high school. Like, we, we were good. Once they championships, we came up here to Roseburg, actually won state championship for, for American Legion ball. we did stuff and weren't supposed to do after the game not caught. And I wasn't one of the main ones doing stuff, or they're like police citations handed out the stuff.
[00:56:16] So we go back, we were going rolling. I didn't get one, but we were rolling back into town and of course, ambulance honking at us and sound because baseball is a big deal, clown faults, and we're all just going. they don't know, like they don't know what's happening because have to see you got suspended.
[00:56:32] And we had to run for like a day and it's like literally the worst practices ever. And I don't know, man, I was in a weak spot mentally. I quit the team. Like, instead of going up to the, to the regionals, I'm like, why should I be punished for this crap? These other people did most of the bad stuff and dah, dah, dah, and I should've have done it.
[00:56:49] Shouldn't left my team. And so that sucks. It was definitely the lesson that stuck with me for a long time and still does. And I'm like, I'm not going to quit anything. That matters. And if I, if I do, it's going to be a graceful exit instead of just leading the team. but other than that is probably the first software company.
[00:57:08]I invested with Chris, my, the guy who has called and sales message now that I also part of that company. And honestly, we were too similar. If we, if we take the Colby score, we're probably the exact same person. we're both creative guys. Would he? He has some slightly different skills since I have some slightly different ones, but we try to make it work.
[00:57:28] We'd love you to go. Still ask you to is at my house last year, we were out there this year for a week and I was, could never be business partners together, with just the two of us. So big learning lesson, you always need to find them into your game and go, try to find the same persons you'd work with.
[00:57:46] Tyler Austin: [00:57:46] Love that very two very awesome things. Don't quit. I have a pretty similar story when I was leaving the military about quitting and I told him one of our masterminds. so that's, that's awesome. It's one of the reasons why I don't quit anything and no matter what anymore, because. The regret that you kind of have leading forward and, you know, it's like now, like you couldn't go back to those times like that, that time has gone.
[00:58:05] Right. So you'll never know what you could have been. So if you think about that before you quit something, think about, well, what could I be in 10 years if I just continue to do this, I think you'll have a different outlook on, on what you do. So love those really awesome. it's honestly the most transparent, Answer yet.
[00:58:21] So you're just killing this. so, all right, so all those questions, lead up to one big questions. One, two, one through 10, each the very first thing was a Y a do awake up and every, every one of those had of like an intent, to all create this one master question, which I got this from this kind of framework here is idea from one of our users.
[00:58:42]It's why do you wake up every day and not quit?
[00:58:46]Trevor Mauch: [00:58:46] that's good, man. I, I read something a couple years ago. I think this sums up pretty darn good that, you know, my, my Def my definition of health is, getting to the end of my life and meeting the person that could have became. and I am a personal face of there actually, as a course, you know that the biblical definition of hell, but in this one, it's the worst possible thing that could happen to you as a human being.
[00:59:13] When you finish your life, you get to meet the person that you could have. And I'm like, man, that hits me hard and it has nothing to do with. Ego has nothing to do with, Oh man, it's going to grind and work my butt off because you know what it has everything to do with, did we truly give it our best to be the best possible you could be?
[00:59:33] Or did you quit the important stuff or did you, you know, have you let limiting beliefs and doubts that to keep you away from your greatness? Or did you do everything? In, in, in, in achieve big things, but for you and your own glory or stash and helping other people and for my others, man, that, that for me is that it's like, that's that motivates me wake up and go, I am not going to meet the person in my life.
[00:59:59] I want to meet me. You know, I want to meet like, Oh cool. I, I became the best person I can be. I became a desperation, Trevor not meeting someone that, I never achieved because I gave up.
[01:00:11] Tyler Austin: [01:00:11] On a spinoff question of that. How do you think, you know, when you've became Trevor.
[01:00:18] Trevor Mauch: [01:00:18] I don't know. I think this will kind of go back to 2012, but in that time period, when I was making the big shift and business wise and mentally, One thing that I did for me that really, really helped was I was really pressuring myself in a big way, like to find my purpose, find my passion, you know, that's what everyone says you got to do.
[01:00:36] And I write the mission and purpose on the wall and like, it looks cool, but it really wasn't. And it wasn't getting me my core. Like I wasn't naturally having everything drawn towards that. And so when I sold my publishing company, which sounds fancy, it wasn't like I literally sold for way less than it's worth my business partner just to separate so I can try something new.
[01:00:54] We're so great friends though. and I was kind of looking at what's next for me. And I'm like, you know what? I'm just going to completely remove the pressure from trying to fight and this thing called purpose to try and chase. And my, my purpose this year is going to be looking back at the end of this year.
[01:01:14]and being able to confidently say that I was the best person I could be. I was the best father, the best husband, the best business person or, or, owner or coworker or the best invest rather. And, I would find myself Tyler throughout that year. We thought monitoring my brain. Is that the best news is that the best news, that the best news that the best I could.
[01:01:37] And I remember vividly one time earlier in that year, but I'll give you two quick examples. One of them I've never been, I had never been a tidy person before. I almost slipped back into that. That belief that I'm not a tiny person. I am. I had never, before been inside the person and I kind of influenced, I brought that in from that, from my mom a little bit.
[01:01:55] And, and so I always had to have my space in the house. It was always messy. My drawers were a mess. My closet was a complete mess. Like at home when I was a kid, every, every month we had a cleanup day where I had to like spend the day cleaning up my bedroom and it was a zoo. And so I brought this belief in that I'm just not a type of person.
[01:02:15] And here's what happened. I opened my throat one day. And, you know, how, what happens when you fold up your clothes and your shirts, everything looks amazing for that day. And you're like, Oh, it feels great. And then the next day, the shirt you want to wear is at the bottom of the stack, you reached the bottom of the stack and you do the lazy thing of pulling it up.
[01:02:33] We send flicks the whole stack, and then I was leave it like that forever. Like my whole life was that way. No, but the draw one name, a girl was a mess. This is the best thing. This is ridiculous. And so that day, once you get everything out, I got rid of half my clothes holding them up, do my shirts and shirt drawings have been perfectly folded the last eight years.
[01:02:52] It's just part of me that did the same thing with my closet and then one day after dinner. So I got really used to, as I was a kid. The dish on the flakes, my moments just kind of do that stuff for us. This is the traditional kind of old school, you know, mother-father relationship there. And, I, I finished there a off of the plate, put it on the calendar and I turn around and walk away.
[01:03:13] I got it. That thing pops up my mind. That's the best you can do. That's not the best you can do. I turned around and put the dish back in the dishwasher. Don't check. So for me, it's that, it's not, it's not like this coordination in thing. Oh my gosh. Yes, you Bruce. This thing it's in those little moments, did I invest, did I do the best there?
[01:03:33] And I want to have more often than not answer. Yes.
[01:03:37] Tyler Austin: [01:03:37] Love that. Perfect. awesome man. That's that's a great, great summary of that, cause it is it's like it's. The reason I asked that question is I thought about it really quickly for myself. I was like, how would I know if I'm where I want to be? And it's really, you don't really ever have the answer. It's always a look back to the, what you did like five minutes ago or a week ago.
[01:03:57] And like, was it, w w do you feel like you were that person that way when 50 years comes down a road and you look back, you'll have consistently kept yourself in check over that whole period of time. So you'll know that you are, love that. Okay. So the next section of this is basically what I call the Ninja tips and tricks.
[01:04:16]here at REI SIF, we are Ninja sales and markers, what we call ourselves. So, in, in this, I want to ask you three questions that are random really about you. It's the intent of this is being that we're all allies. if anyone ever comes to Cara camp again, and they heard this podcast beforehand, or if they see you at a, a mastermind, whatever the case is, I want them to have a few things to wear.
[01:04:37] They automatically feel like they know you that much more. so the very first thing that I think everybody wants to know, I definitely do. I actually think I already heard the story, but why a carrot.
[01:04:47]Trevor Mauch: [01:04:47] dude. So first of all, honestly, I just want to have a company name that you can have fun with and you can brand, that was definitely one of my requirements, but the, the more practical reasons after coming up with like 30 terrible, this is the same thing I was laying on my couch. And I reverted back to this question, like, You know what, this is a great way to name your business. I discovered it was like, what is your core product? What problem does it solve? And then I asked, well, what should a website be for a company? And what should it not be? And it should not be a brochure, but it should be something that like you dangle in front of someone and they latch on with it.
[01:05:26] I fight it. and so that's where care came from. Like, Oh, actually websites should just be a carrot. I shouldn't see this brochure that's there and it looks pretty, it doesn't convert and he's actually entice and then get them to bite. And it's fun the brand too. So
[01:05:40] Tyler Austin: [01:05:40] Yeah. And it's like, you also pull up leads from the dirt, you know, like there's tons of things you could say. I mean, there's a lot.
[01:05:47] Trevor Mauch: [01:05:47] there's like so many farming analogies we've played with. Planting seeds and harvesting. It leaves all. I kind of said, there's so many fun analogies.
[01:05:56] Tyler Austin: [01:05:56] Love it. Okay. Second question. Favorite outside activity in Roseburg.
[01:06:01] Trevor Mauch: [01:06:01] we had a fly fishing, and not mine or the things I love to do out here, but there's wine tasting going and picking fruit from the Orpheus and stuff like fly fishing.
[01:06:11] Tyler Austin: [01:06:11] Love it. And, what is your favorite activity to do with your kids?
[01:06:16]Trevor Mauch: [01:06:16] favorite activity dudes, honestly like the really, really mundane going up and playing in the room and whatever the heck toys they want to play with for me, that's whenever one of my kids comes to me and says, dad, I want to go play with XYZ toy upstairs with you. That's my favorite because it's on there.
[01:06:35] Was doing exactly what we want to do. And this is what they about. Tyler is their imaginations are so amazing. Like there's these inanimate toys out there, and somehow they're making this whole new world. You get to be a part of. So that's not.
[01:06:47] Tyler Austin: [01:06:47] I love it. And this is sidebar off of that one. How hard does the, you know, being an entrepreneur and being busy, right. And obviously you've built a business where he allows you to have more freedom, but, how hard does the statement that you, I have 13 more summers, 12 more summers, 11 more summers, 10 more summers, three more summers left with kids affect you and your decisions on how you grow
[01:07:15] Trevor Mauch: [01:07:15] That's that's a good one. My kids are, y'all all birthdays within the next few weeks. My sons were at least tomorrow. So they're going to be six, eight, 10, and I'm dude, it's kind of scary, you know, cause I'm number one, time passes really fast in, in the scheme of things, which is crazy six years, my daughters and me driving, which is well watch out road and she's crazy. And so it's, it definitely has adjusted the way that I go with it it's even my company. So one of the reasons I built my company to be bigger for me personally, is because bigger with the right people, actions more freedom for me. and, and more ability for me to then have a lot more free time, have those Fridays off or half rice off, and it'd be a lot more flexible.
[01:08:03]and, and I think also, man, it's like making sure that. Making sure that as much as possible, I still have a long way to go here, but as much as possible, the kids don't feel that the business ever gets in their way of relationship with dad. and I think that's the biggest part, cause I know I'm very guilty of it too, where I might be upstairs playing with one of the kids or all of them.
[01:08:28] And for some reason, crap is creeping into my mind. Some work. And so that's the part that I'm trying to change as much as possible. You know, how you do a better job of compartmentalizing, all the homework at work, which is a struggle, you know, if anyone ever figures out, let me know. it's a tricky one.
[01:08:47] That's always on my mind.
[01:08:49] Tyler Austin: [01:08:49] It's powerful. It's crazy. you know, I think about this, like, man, I got 16 summers left. My daughter turns 15. My daughter turns five in September. Fifth, you know, so it's like, I'm like, man, I, I think about the time I spend now, it's like, how do I care?  on that, you know? And it goes back to what you were saying earlier.
[01:09:05] It's like, are you doing this for your family? Or aren't you because you know, I'm, you know, I work so much of the day, you know, I don't sit in, I don't tuck my daughter in every night. You know, it's like, things like that. That's really big, especially if you're an entrepreneur with kids,
[01:09:18] um,
[01:09:19] Trevor Mauch: [01:09:19] Couple things that I think be useful for people it's been useful for me is in the early days of carrot, I wouldn't like take my wife's birthday off or, or the kids for a day off of work until the kids started to get older. One of my kids asking we came and she's like had, you know, cause we get, we get on birthdays off of work at Kira.
[01:09:39] Like we don't work for our birthdays. And so she brought up. Oh, yeah, my birthday's in a couple weeks, she didn't say, or you didn't take the day off with me. And in my mind, I'm like, well, no, I don't take my day off of work for other people. And then it hit me in my DNA. So why would I not schedule around my kids?
[01:09:57] My wife's birthday, so I can get off of work for that. And so I started to schedule that. So it's like, all right, then another thing we started to execute this spray three years ago as a family. That has helped with that whole summer equation is we used to call that a summer board. And it's just like, it's just like a goal setting, but it's really palatable for the kids.
[01:10:17] They have fun or they get this big leaves board, you know, like one of those big cardboard or poster boards and some colorful thing. And we all sit down and we all have. A pen or a marker. Now everybody can write in the family and then let's kind of go around like, Hey, what do you want to do this summer?
[01:10:32] Hey, what do you want to learn this summer? Hey, where do you want to go this summer? And so we're right down to those types of things. What do you want to learn? Where do you want to go? What do you want to do? And just fill it up and we'll draw pictures on it. And then it's dropped the summer every week.
[01:10:44] We'll pick that. We'll look at the summer board and the walls. Got you, then those things, maybe we should have a bunch of summer left from. We don't have much time left. Let's get into those things. You guys said it was important. And so our kids learn how to ride bikes and how to swim or that stuff, because it's so important so that we keep our summer boards too.
[01:11:02] So that'd be kind of interesting
[01:11:04] Tyler Austin: [01:11:04] Yeah, go back. That's that's fricking awesome. That's like  a huge, huge thing. I that's, I really like that. We're going to have them out to talk with my wife about that one when she gets, when she gets home. awesome. Okay. So these next groups of Ninja tips and tricks, or, just three questions, about sales and marketing specifically.
[01:11:22]and I figured since we have, you know, really the. The King of online lead generation with us, we might as well tailor that around that. Right. So, first question is what is the number one, thing someone needs to know about web content, if they're gonna, like, if they're thinking web content, like what's the first thing that you think you would tell them?
[01:11:40]Trevor Mauch: [01:11:40] Dude. I think the first thing is, is literally add as much personal touch to the content as possible. People are always wanting to automate automate. Now we do have automated tools that help help it out, but the reason we have the automated. The tools is for people that can't or don't or that one, or they just want to fill in the gaps.
[01:12:00] That is amazing tool. But do you do as much video as you can? Cell phone don't be afraid. It does not have to be professional and needs to add value and, and, and build authority. Draw people closer to you. So focused on that. Add value, answer questions, draw people closer to you and let them know who you are.
[01:12:19]Tyler Austin: [01:12:19] Love it. Okay. Number two. how much money should someone have when they want to start getting into like web content? Do they need money even?
[01:12:27]Trevor Mauch: [01:12:27] No. I mean, tech technically you wouldn't need any money. If you literally had $0 or like $0, you go to the library, work on their computer. You go set up like a free website. You wouldn't be able to put your own domain on it. So you gotta pay money to that. and then you can just research and sit there and write content based on what people are searching all through tools.
[01:12:50] So you could do that. it's going to take longer. It might not work as well. Is that character comes in, you know, where we help add a lot of leverage to it. The way the real estate agents and investors are getting really high marks and stuff. 10, $20,000 profits or more right. $50,000. When you're talking about earlier.
[01:13:09] And so that's where it makes a lot of sense to go. Well, I could spend a lot of time with subpar tools to get this done, or I could accelerate it with a better tool, a better process for training. So now you don't have to have money to do it money and the right tools, accelerate that process makes it easier and
[01:13:28]Tyler Austin: [01:13:28] Yeah. And I will say, I mean, we have the, I guess, advantage that I, you know, I have a real estate company too, and it uses carrot. Right. And I will just say on that. question and think about it before I asked it, but you know, when we first started with carrot, you know, I had pretty much just got going.
[01:13:41] I initially, cause I'm a web guy, myself, I built my own website, spent like six months coding. It did all this stuff. I was like, I wanted a place where all these, my could pull my properties, my investor's going to have a portal. And then I found about Carrie. Karen already had all that stuff. I was like, son of a, I spent all night, like up to 2:00 AM programming.
[01:13:56] This thing didn't look nearly as good, even a switch the carrot with a base plan. we just did all the citations. There's this walkthrough you can do. within the first week we on the first page of Google and then a week later through a Craigslist, we locked up a deal, which ended up being a 30 K deal, took that money and put it right back inside of care concierge program.
[01:14:16] And now it's just always been a thing that. You know, it adds quite a bit of revenue in a year by itself. Just through again, the authority that the site has in Florida, and it's continued to do better as we continue to focus traffic, we can always do better on it. But, you know, on that note of what someone would need, I think that I forget what your base plan was at the time.
[01:14:36] It was less than a hundred bucks. I'm pretty sure. you know, and I mean like how can you, how can you. Not have authority, put it out there, put your Facebook group, make a Google, you know, thing. You guys literally walked through that whole process, you know, for that price, which is, which is amazing. So, don't be afraid of it.
[01:14:55] Last question I have for you for the Ninja tips and tricks is average lead to deal on online.
[01:15:01]Trevor Mauch: [01:15:01] Yeah, for sure. I'll, I'll run through all the numbers on Adam fleets deal though for SEO tends to be somewhere between one and eight to one and 15 leads per deal. for PBC between one and 10 to one and 20 leads, pretty on average, you'll see, above and below a direct mail one it's 2140 leads per deal.
[01:15:19] Radio TV, a one 41 to 60 leads per deal. And then cold calling. All that stuff is just simply be different. But, yeah, that's kind of how it breaks out. Not, not right there equation, right? Because you might be looking at it going, well, my cost per lead is way cheaper over here or whatever, but. Yeah. Yeah.
[01:15:36] You can't just look at your cost per week. Like, like you were saying, then you've got to also look at your, your close ratio and your online organic closes insanely. And I is the intent of the searcher. The more broadcast you can get, which is with your marketing, the lower the clothes, not saying you shouldn't do it.
[01:15:54] Shouldn't do if it's profitable, different expectations.
[01:15:58] Tyler Austin: [01:15:58] Yeah. And I also look at it like, I look at it like an annual thing, pretty much all my Mark and I start off on an annual and I say, okay, what's my average deal size, which I think is somewhere around 27, five right now on the wholesaling side. so if I know it's 27 five, how much does it cost me to have a whole year.
[01:16:14] You know, worth of that. And if I get one deal and I have one person from one of our postcard types in web address and goes there, I've literally closed the deal. And another one is a $65,000 flip that we closed. It was from a deal machine postcard, actually that had a, our carrot website, you know, all on it.
[01:16:32] And the only reason he, so you went with us. Cause I went in there, they had 12 postcards there. I was like, dude, why did you choose us? You? Some of the biggest wholesalers are right there. It's like, well, you had your, your website on there. I went there and it was really straight forward. You had reviews.
[01:16:43] You literally said everything that you guys say, and it's like, okay, well, once you close one deal from that tactic, if you're smart in business, you can say, well, good. I have pretty much, I can have this for life now because you've just for less than a hundred dollars a month, $30,000. I mean, I don't know.
[01:17:00] I don't know. That's a long time in my mind. Right. So. You know, it can, it can do, you know, dividends, right? If you just put the little bit of energy, I think it's something like, it's not immediate. It can be, my mind was pretty quick. Right. But like, again, that's an energy thing. It's a tactic thing. It's understanding the full thing committing to it.
[01:17:20]being organic, all those different things, which, is super amazing. So thank you so much for sharing that. Man, this has been super awesome. There's so much information here, not only about business, but just about life, about entrepreneurship, about being a better person about caring about your community.
[01:17:38]I mean, this is, I'm going to listen back through this, myself, to get all the insights and nuggets and write it down. what would be something that you would tell to anybody else that was maybe in like your most difficult time and trying to figure out this whole entrepreneurship journey and in reaching prosperity, what would you tell them?
[01:17:54] If, if they're listening to this, like, ah, like limiting beliefs, like how do you get past the limiting belief?
[01:17:59]Trevor Mauch: [01:17:59] Yeah, the way you get past the limiting beliefs that I've found is first of all, you've got to prove whether it's a true fact or a, a false belief. and the best way to do it is ask for it. Has anyone ever in my position, you know, someone like me and my position, has anyone ever done what I want to do? And if the answer is yes, then it's a false limiting belief. It's not a fact. And I think what happens is way too many people let those at least trick them to think that their thoughts, well, I'm too young. Therefore I can't do a deal. Or I don't have any money. Therefore, I can't do a deal or I've got a full time job.
[01:18:37] Therefore I won't have enough time to do this. but then you have to ask yourself that. And then after that, if you've proven that it's a lid on Balsam, not back then, dude, it's up to you to serve in my bag. Right? Do I really want this there. So what then do I need to do in order to make that happen?
[01:18:54] Pastes Morgan. He was here this last, this last week. Hey, now. And there was a comment that he posted on Instagram and I chatted with him about, about, I guess we're going to air and the guy and the guy had good intentions, right? He said, Hey, I've got a really high demanding, a high demand, a 40 hour work week job and dah, dah, dah.
[01:19:13] I came over and wore out. Of course you can do this because you don't have a. 40 hours is an absurd question, but it was honest and he was honest and candid from that person. That's where they are right now. And he's how would someone do this and how could you possibly make it happen within demanding 40 hour work week job that wears me out.
[01:19:33] And then this is the case, his reply. Okay. He, then the next morning he wakes up early. He wakes up between three and four. The next morning he wakes up at two 15 or two 30 in the morning. You screenshots his phone at two 15 in the morning. He uploads it online. He tags that guy to it and he said, this is how you said you wake up earlier.
[01:19:53] And then the guy's like Dan. You're right. It was so has it ever been done? Is it true? Is it real fact? Is it also immediately? If it is not true, then ask yourself, what do I need to do and change to actually make happen?
[01:20:07] Tyler Austin: [01:20:07] I love it. I always say that one, you know, to a lot of our, it's actually one of, one of our inner calm messages when someone's deciding, they're like, Oh, I can't do this business. I'm like, okay, well, is there anyone else in your market doing it? Okay. Like, are you saying that they're better than you? Or are you saying that they have some sort of talent that you don't have?
[01:20:25] You know, I bet you, if you went and asked them, you know, where they grew up, how they grew up and what they were before they were successful, they would say they're pretty much just like you. So, I absolutely love it, man. Is there, is there anything else that you'd like to tell anybody I'm in the allies to prosperity, you know, community in, in your own community?
[01:20:42] Am I listening to this? Just in general, any, any words of wisdom?
[01:20:44]Trevor Mauch: [01:20:44] Yeah, dude. I think, I think the biggest thing is kind of going back to entrepreneurship. Be really clear on why you're doing it. And, and, and I can tell you that if it's because of the money that's very short lived, it's going to lead to emptiness money's pool. It's cool, but it's going to lead to happiness for sure.
[01:21:01] And so, w what I would suggest is really pull away and write that and write that vision story. I've got a vision story that right, every year I start with, I start with 50 years out, 20 years, ten five, and then one. You know, and, you get excited about your own story. Like that's the biggest thing, you know, is like, how the heck are you going to live a life you're passionate about?
[01:21:24] And you're pumped up about if you can't be as excited about your own story, as you are about that Netflix show and keep watching every week. No, I would highly suggest everyone full, wait a second, getting a quiet spot, getting your hat in place. Take out a pen and a piece of paper and just start writing.
[01:21:39] What is your average day like going to be on this Thursday? You know, whatever the date is today in 20 years, what does that Thursday look like? When do you wake up? Where do you wake up? What do you, what's the first thing a year? What is it? What's the first thing you smell? Where are you in? What does your room look like?
[01:21:58] Is there a view outside of, so what's it up? Like what do you do when you get out of bed at first? Where do you go when you have for breakfast? To me, it's like, literally that is my vision story. It's moment by moment. An average day in 20 years on the third day, when do I go to work? What do I do at work?
[01:22:14] What type of work do I do? Who do I talk to? When do I go to lunch? What do I eat? Like all of that stuff, literally, it's detailed from wake up to that. If you get that clear on your vision, dude. And then you work it backwards from the 10 year and the five year you're gonna be getting closer to go. Okay.
[01:22:32] What does my business need to provide for me now? And now build your business to do that? Not stated number.
[01:22:39] Tyler Austin: [01:22:39] I absolutely love that. I have not done that granular of a vision, but I absolutely love that. That that is something that, I actually shared a, I was watching, Simple numbers. And, the interview with a man who is Craig cam bell, or something like that. Founder of simple numbers, Dan interviewed him a few years back, and they did, I don't know, finance thing.
[01:23:03] And, there was a quote in there that essentially says something about how your, you, you build your business on what it can provide for you. Not what, no, you build your, you get paid basically what you can provide to your business. And I thought about that for a little while, and that's true, but in a context of what you're speaking on, it's like, you can have.
[01:23:25] What you put into your business back at you, like through the vision that you have? It's like, people always ask me in auto Legion challenge, how do you. what about like this, that, and the other, as far as like, time, I'm like, well, you haven't your, your business. Hasn't said that you're deserving of that yet, because you haven't put it in the right amount of work and right.
[01:23:44] Amount of effort to have that kind of freedom. So it's like, so if you, if you put that vision out there and you figure out what your business needs to be at to enable you to have that Thursday cup of tea at 1:15 PM. You know, reverse engineer back from there and you get there and it's this freaking fantastic dude.
[01:24:01] I really appreciate it. again, your time. I know you mentioned you have a dinner coming up, so, I just want to thank you, from bottom of my heart, coming on the allies prosperity podcast, man, I I'm so glad that you are an ally and everyone else here can consider you an ally. how do people reach out to you?
[01:24:16] How do they find you? How they find carrot, all that good stuff.
[01:24:19] Trevor Mauch: [01:24:19] Yeah, dude. So I guess, similar about, so we have a lot of free information on the blog, all kinds of stuff, their YouTube channel, but probably less thoughts is if you guys liked this podcast, I do a lot. Stuff on my own podcast called the carrots, cats, just go find it in Apple podcasts or Spotify, or go to
[01:24:37]and every Thursday and he was called Chuck talk from the heart, from the mine, whatever I'm thinking about every Tuesdays with the, with the guests, only an Instagram, a threat doc, Mark that's in auch as fully over there. Lots of checks.
[01:24:51]Tyler Austin: [01:24:51] Awesome. Love it again. Definitely check out care cast some really awesome, awesome things in there. Chuck talks super dope. I messaged him when I heard, when I was like, Holy crap. That's like from your phone. And it's like, so off the top. Super organic. Super awesome. So definitely check out  dot com. and in follow Trevor on, on Instagram, which you're getting some traction on, I think you've gained like a thousand or 2000 followers in that last month or something,
[01:25:13]Trevor Mauch: [01:25:13] Yeah. Like I'm still way, way too slow. But same thing that you just said a bit ago, am I putting in the work
[01:25:20] Tyler Austin: [01:25:20] Yeah, but Hey, it's core though. You got a really solid core. and just like everything you said here is all through the hardest, there was no contradictions between cause some people that you start something and by the end of it, it's like, it's different than what they started at. You can say it's a hundred percent, linear. it's just, it's raw. It's Trevor. Thank you so much. I appreciate you. Hopefully everyone here enjoyed it. You guys have a good one and remember, we can all reach prosperity, whatever prosperity means to you. As long as you just set a goal, set a vision like Trevor said, and, continue to, build allies through allies, their prosperity.
[01:25:55] Thank you guys so much for sure.

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