Torin Murphin

100k+ Plus Working Part Time As A Real Estate Wholesaler

Torin Murphin


Operating in Washington, Torin Murphin transformed his approach to real estate by focusing on deep data dives, moving from a bulk, aimless strategy to a refined, targeted process with REISift. His breakthrough came from prioritizing properties with foreclosure notices but incorrect or dead contact information, leading to significant wholesale deals.

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Before and After

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Before REISift

  • Built a proficient virtual team focusing on data intake, cold calling, and lead management, while Peyton concentrated on acquisitions and project management.
  • Developed a clear, streamlined operational process.
  • Achieved consistent deal generation and profitability.
  • Struggled with inconsistent deal flow and operational clarity.
  • Depended on bandit signs, facing diminishing returns.
  • Managed a modest portfolio of rental properties.
  • Achieved operational clarity, streamlining processes.
  • Understood and started tracking KPIs efficiently.
  • Gained consistent deal and lead flow.
  • Relied on Google Sheets, complicating the process.
  • Found data management tedious and confusing.
  • Struggled with no clarity in operations.
  • The First To Market Challenge was a catalyst, enhancing his business approach with rapid lead generation and effective marketing strategies.
  • Bolstered both retail and investment sides of his business, using REISift for data-driven success.
  • Faced challenges breaking into wholesaling due to data management complexities.
  • Eager to break into wholesaling, yet overwhelmed by data management.
  • Dominated as a top agent, managing a vast team.
  • Benefited from detailed operational enhancements, including daily data management and targeted marketing efforts by a dedicated VA.
  • Achieved consistent weekly deals with a streamlined process, thanks to key strategies like FTM Challenge and Sensei Flow.
  • Embraced a targeted approach with a niche focus, utilizing REISift for data management and strategy implementation.
  • Cycled through data without strategic use or insights.
  • Engaged in ineffective bulk data purchases and calls.
  • Direct Mail & Deep Prospecting: Integrated direct mail strategies and deep prospecting for exhaustive lead engagement.
  • Efficient Use of Data: Employs a rigorous process to gather, clean, and utilize data for precise marketing campaigns.
  • Streamlined Marketing Process: Adopted a systematic approach to marketing, from data collection and cleaning to targeted outreach.
  • Enhanced Lead Flow and Certainty: Experienced a significant boost in lead volume with greater predictability in outcomes.
  • Strategic Focus on Niches: Narrowed down his efforts to specific niches, leveraging the FTM method for better-targeted leads.
  • Dependency on Luck: Success felt more like a stroke of luck rather than the outcome of a well-executed plan.
  • Inconsistency in Results: Without a clear strategy, results were unpredictable, making planning and scaling efforts challenging.
  • Broad, Unfocused Strategy: Relied on a generalized, scattergun approach to lead generation, lacking efficiency and focus.
  • Valued Features: Appreciated REISift for its number tracking, comprehensive training, supportive team, and filters, providing a structured operation framework.
  • Business Transformation: Embracing REISift led to closing three deals in two months, thanks to new strategies from the First to Market Challenge and Sensei Flow.
  • Manual Efforts: Worked as a carpenter while manually contacting agents and sellers, leading to a few sporadic deals.
  • Lack of Focus: Quentin's approach was scattered, relying on various gurus without a unified strategy.
  • Strategic Shift to Quality: Adopting REISift, Avi now prioritizes high-quality deals over high volume, effectively using the platform's filters, statuses, and tags for targeted deal closures and maintaining cost-effective marketing strategies.
  • PPC Advertising Limitations: Avi's venture into real estate via PPC advertising faced sustainability issues due to high costs, prompting the search for a better approach.
  • Platform Utilization: Leveraged REISift's features like filters, tags, and statuses to expand success avenues, including starting a real estate team under EXP.
  • Increased Deal Volume: Transitioned to completing 4-6 deals monthly across various real estate activities due to REISift.
  • Funding Efforts: Engaged in fundraising and utilized FHA loans, which narrowed his deal-making scope.
  • Realtor Collaboration: Focused on partnerships with realtors to identify multi-family properties.
  • Sequences Feature & Interconnectivity: The introduction of Sequences and seamless feature integration enhanced organizational capabilities, making every business aspect more systematic and effective.
  • Operational Efficiency: REISift transformed his business into a cohesive unit, streamlining and integrating various operational facets.
  • Fragmented Operations: This disjointed approach resulted in a lack of cohesion and productivity within his business processes.
  • Outdated Methods: Relied heavily on Excel for lead tracking and manual efforts like driving for dollars, creating inefficiencies.
  • Intuitive Organization: The platform facilitated a seamless transition from chaotic processes to a structured, strategic approach, enhancing overall campaign effectiveness.
  • Data Tracking & SMS Insights: Introduction to powerful data tracking and analytics for SMS campaigns, providing a new direction for organized efforts.
  • Lack of Clarity: Absence of clear insights into the effectiveness of strategies, leading to untapped potential and unoptimized efforts.
  • Volume-Driven Approach: Relied on downloading vast numbers of records, a "churn and burn" strategy lacking in efficiency and focus.
  • Clear Progress Tracking: With organized data and streamlined systems, tracking progress became clearer and more efficient, enabling better decision-making and strategizing.
  • Increased Lead Generation: Lead generation significantly improved, resulting in a higher volume of viable leads.
  • Structured Follow-ups: Follow-ups became structured and consistent, reducing the chances of missing potential opportunities.
  • Enhanced Lead Insights: The platform empowered the acquisition of critical lead insights swiftly and effectively.
  • Effective Marketing Implementation: Understanding and implementing marketing strategies improved significantly, enhancing outreach and visibility.
  • Automated Acquisition: Processes became automated, saving time and effort previously spent on manual lead acquisition.
  • Streamlined Data Management: Integration with REISift transformed data management into a centralized, organized system.
  • Limited Clarity on Progress: It was challenging to track progress accurately due to disorganized data and lack of streamlined systems.
  • Sparse Lead Generation: The lead generation process was slow, resulting in fewer viable leads for potential deals.
  • Inconsistent Follow-ups: Following up with leads lacked structure and consistency, leading to potential leads slipping through the cracks.
  • Minimal Lead Insights: Gaining crucial insights from leads was challenging, often leading to missed opportunities.
  • Lack of Marketing Strategy: There was a limited understanding and implementation of effective marketing strategies for real estate.
  • Manual Acquisition Processes: Acquiring leads was a manual, time-consuming process involving sifting through various platforms and sources.
  • Limited Data Organization: Previously, data management was scattered, leading to fragmented information.
  • Enhanced lead management: The system clarified follow-up stages and improved overall real estate pipeline management.
  • Streamlined workflow: Smart tools like Siftline Boards and smrtDialer (Integration) optimized lead management from acquisition to closure.
  • Robust CRM: REISift's capabilities streamlined lead management, progress tracking, and task automation for a more efficient process.
  • Enhanced Data Utilization: REISift enabled effective data leverage, driving marketing strategies and informed decision-making.
  • Enhanced Marketing: REISift enabled tailored marketing strategies through preset features, optimizing campaign performance.
  • Unified Workflow: Adopting REISift consolidated their tools into one platform, replacing multiple systems like Podio for a more cohesive process.
  • Efficient Data Organization: REISift streamlined their real estate data, providing effective tagging, tracking, and targeting capabilities for a more organized approach.
  • CRM Struggles: Without a comprehensive CRM, their real estate operations lacked clarity and efficiency, struggling to streamline processes.
  • Data Management Hurdles: Despite valuing data, they encountered limitations in organization and targeting, hindering their marketing effectiveness.
  • Basic Marketing Approach: Their marketing lacked focus, leading to scattered efforts and inefficiencies in targeting potential leads.
  • Dependence on Multiple Platforms: Relying on Podio alongside their primary database due to CRM limitations resulted in a fragmented workflow, demanding constant navigation between platforms.
  • Initial Data Disarray: Antione and Alana grappled with disorganized real estate data, using a basic prospecting database without a functional CRM, causing scattered marketing efforts.
  • Advanced Segmentation: Utilization of tailored segmentation strategies for more precise targeting and engagement.
  • Improved Conversion Tracking: Enhanced to monitor and assess conversion rates of marketing efforts, leading to better-informed decision-making.
  • Implemented streamlined lead management solutions effectively addressing historical challenges pertaining to incomplete lead tracking processes.
  • Enhanced customization options for significantly more effective targeting.
  • Clearer insights with Siftline for monitoring and better visualization.
  • Better campaign management via Direct Mail in REISift, boosting tracking efficiency.
  • Ineffective Workflow: Workflow lacked structure, creating bottlenecks in real estate phases.
  • Inefficient outreach: Needed a more proactive approach.
  • Limited Collaboration: Team collaboration issues hindered synergy in real estate projects.
  • Incomplete lead clarity: difficulty with tracking, managing and filtering the lead.
  • Targeting constraints: Lacked personalized marketing.
  • Tracking challenges: Unable to visualize campaign impact.
  • Limited marketing methods: Bandit signs & direct mail.
  • Enhanced Monitoring and Analysis: Ability to monitor, analyze, and rectify errors promptly, resulting in improved performance metrics.
  • Improved Lead Prioritization: Recognizing the significance of targeted lists over large databases for better outcomes.
  • Strategic Focus: Targeting specific leads with precision, focusing on quality over quantity.
  • Automated Processes: Shifted from manual to automated systems for follow-ups, nurturing, and organizing leads effectively.
  • First to Market Strategy: Understanding the concept and actively implementing it for better results.
  • Empowered Data Management: Clear insights into data, enabling efficient decision-making and better lead targeting.
  • Unified Data Hub: No longer scattered across different platforms, everything consolidated within REISift.
  • Manual Data Handling: The struggle with manual processes, particularly evident in the absence of automated follow-ups and lead nurturing.
  • Missed Opportunities: Realization that despite having vast data, they were targeting the wrong leads and missing out on potential deals.
  • Data Overload: Managing excessive data without effectively filtering or understanding its relevance, resulting in inefficiencies.
  • Lack of Understanding First to Market (FTM): A lack of comprehension about the importance of FTM and not applying it effectively in their operations.
  • Successful But Hitting a Wall: Despite some success in the business, a sense of stagnation or reaching a limitation in growth.
  • Tool Transition: The shift from using Podio, an initially useful tool, but with limitations in automation and complexity.

After REISift

  • Built a proficient virtual team focusing on data intake, cold calling, and lead management, while Peyton concentrated on acquisitions and project management.
  • Developed a clear, streamlined operational process.
  • Achieved consistent deal generation and profitability.
  • Struggled with inconsistent deal flow and operational clarity.
  • Depended on bandit signs, facing diminishing returns.
  • Managed a modest portfolio of rental properties.
  • Achieved operational clarity, streamlining processes.
  • Understood and started tracking KPIs efficiently.
  • Gained consistent deal and lead flow.
  • Relied on Google Sheets, complicating the process.
  • Found data management tedious and confusing.
  • Struggled with no clarity in operations.
  • The First To Market Challenge was a catalyst, enhancing his business approach with rapid lead generation and effective marketing strategies.
  • Bolstered both retail and investment sides of his business, using REISift for data-driven success.
  • Faced challenges breaking into wholesaling due to data management complexities.
  • Eager to break into wholesaling, yet overwhelmed by data management.
  • Dominated as a top agent, managing a vast team.
  • Benefited from detailed operational enhancements, including daily data management and targeted marketing efforts by a dedicated VA.
  • Achieved consistent weekly deals with a streamlined process, thanks to key strategies like FTM Challenge and Sensei Flow.
  • Embraced a targeted approach with a niche focus, utilizing REISift for data management and strategy implementation.
  • Cycled through data without strategic use or insights.
  • Engaged in ineffective bulk data purchases and calls.
  • Direct Mail & Deep Prospecting: Integrated direct mail strategies and deep prospecting for exhaustive lead engagement.
  • Efficient Use of Data: Employs a rigorous process to gather, clean, and utilize data for precise marketing campaigns.
  • Streamlined Marketing Process: Adopted a systematic approach to marketing, from data collection and cleaning to targeted outreach.
  • Enhanced Lead Flow and Certainty: Experienced a significant boost in lead volume with greater predictability in outcomes.
  • Strategic Focus on Niches: Narrowed down his efforts to specific niches, leveraging the FTM method for better-targeted leads.
  • Dependency on Luck: Success felt more like a stroke of luck rather than the outcome of a well-executed plan.
  • Inconsistency in Results: Without a clear strategy, results were unpredictable, making planning and scaling efforts challenging.
  • Broad, Unfocused Strategy: Relied on a generalized, scattergun approach to lead generation, lacking efficiency and focus.
  • Valued Features: Appreciated REISift for its number tracking, comprehensive training, supportive team, and filters, providing a structured operation framework.
  • Business Transformation: Embracing REISift led to closing three deals in two months, thanks to new strategies from the First to Market Challenge and Sensei Flow.
  • Manual Efforts: Worked as a carpenter while manually contacting agents and sellers, leading to a few sporadic deals.
  • Lack of Focus: Quentin's approach was scattered, relying on various gurus without a unified strategy.
  • Strategic Shift to Quality: Adopting REISift, Avi now prioritizes high-quality deals over high volume, effectively using the platform's filters, statuses, and tags for targeted deal closures and maintaining cost-effective marketing strategies.
  • PPC Advertising Limitations: Avi's venture into real estate via PPC advertising faced sustainability issues due to high costs, prompting the search for a better approach.
  • Platform Utilization: Leveraged REISift's features like filters, tags, and statuses to expand success avenues, including starting a real estate team under EXP.
  • Increased Deal Volume: Transitioned to completing 4-6 deals monthly across various real estate activities due to REISift.
  • Funding Efforts: Engaged in fundraising and utilized FHA loans, which narrowed his deal-making scope.
  • Realtor Collaboration: Focused on partnerships with realtors to identify multi-family properties.
  • Sequences Feature & Interconnectivity: The introduction of Sequences and seamless feature integration enhanced organizational capabilities, making every business aspect more systematic and effective.
  • Operational Efficiency: REISift transformed his business into a cohesive unit, streamlining and integrating various operational facets.
  • Fragmented Operations: This disjointed approach resulted in a lack of cohesion and productivity within his business processes.
  • Outdated Methods: Relied heavily on Excel for lead tracking and manual efforts like driving for dollars, creating inefficiencies.
  • Intuitive Organization: The platform facilitated a seamless transition from chaotic processes to a structured, strategic approach, enhancing overall campaign effectiveness.
  • Data Tracking & SMS Insights: Introduction to powerful data tracking and analytics for SMS campaigns, providing a new direction for organized efforts.
  • Lack of Clarity: Absence of clear insights into the effectiveness of strategies, leading to untapped potential and unoptimized efforts.
  • Volume-Driven Approach: Relied on downloading vast numbers of records, a "churn and burn" strategy lacking in efficiency and focus.
  • Clear Progress Tracking: With organized data and streamlined systems, tracking progress became clearer and more efficient, enabling better decision-making and strategizing.
  • Increased Lead Generation: Lead generation significantly improved, resulting in a higher volume of viable leads.
  • Structured Follow-ups: Follow-ups became structured and consistent, reducing the chances of missing potential opportunities.
  • Enhanced Lead Insights: The platform empowered the acquisition of critical lead insights swiftly and effectively.
  • Effective Marketing Implementation: Understanding and implementing marketing strategies improved significantly, enhancing outreach and visibility.
  • Automated Acquisition: Processes became automated, saving time and effort previously spent on manual lead acquisition.
  • Streamlined Data Management: Integration with REISift transformed data management into a centralized, organized system.
  • Limited Clarity on Progress: It was challenging to track progress accurately due to disorganized data and lack of streamlined systems.
  • Sparse Lead Generation: The lead generation process was slow, resulting in fewer viable leads for potential deals.
  • Inconsistent Follow-ups: Following up with leads lacked structure and consistency, leading to potential leads slipping through the cracks.
  • Minimal Lead Insights: Gaining crucial insights from leads was challenging, often leading to missed opportunities.
  • Lack of Marketing Strategy: There was a limited understanding and implementation of effective marketing strategies for real estate.
  • Manual Acquisition Processes: Acquiring leads was a manual, time-consuming process involving sifting through various platforms and sources.
  • Limited Data Organization: Previously, data management was scattered, leading to fragmented information.
  • Enhanced lead management: The system clarified follow-up stages and improved overall real estate pipeline management.
  • Streamlined workflow: Smart tools like Siftline Boards and smrtDialer (Integration) optimized lead management from acquisition to closure.
  • Robust CRM: REISift's capabilities streamlined lead management, progress tracking, and task automation for a more efficient process.
  • Enhanced Data Utilization: REISift enabled effective data leverage, driving marketing strategies and informed decision-making.
  • Enhanced Marketing: REISift enabled tailored marketing strategies through preset features, optimizing campaign performance.
  • Unified Workflow: Adopting REISift consolidated their tools into one platform, replacing multiple systems like Podio for a more cohesive process.
  • Efficient Data Organization: REISift streamlined their real estate data, providing effective tagging, tracking, and targeting capabilities for a more organized approach.
  • CRM Struggles: Without a comprehensive CRM, their real estate operations lacked clarity and efficiency, struggling to streamline processes.
  • Data Management Hurdles: Despite valuing data, they encountered limitations in organization and targeting, hindering their marketing effectiveness.
  • Basic Marketing Approach: Their marketing lacked focus, leading to scattered efforts and inefficiencies in targeting potential leads.
  • Dependence on Multiple Platforms: Relying on Podio alongside their primary database due to CRM limitations resulted in a fragmented workflow, demanding constant navigation between platforms.
  • Initial Data Disarray: Antione and Alana grappled with disorganized real estate data, using a basic prospecting database without a functional CRM, causing scattered marketing efforts.
  • Advanced Segmentation: Utilization of tailored segmentation strategies for more precise targeting and engagement.
  • Improved Conversion Tracking: Enhanced to monitor and assess conversion rates of marketing efforts, leading to better-informed decision-making.
  • Implemented streamlined lead management solutions effectively addressing historical challenges pertaining to incomplete lead tracking processes.
  • Enhanced customization options for significantly more effective targeting.
  • Clearer insights with Siftline for monitoring and better visualization.
  • Better campaign management via Direct Mail in REISift, boosting tracking efficiency.
  • Ineffective Workflow: Workflow lacked structure, creating bottlenecks in real estate phases.
  • Inefficient outreach: Needed a more proactive approach.
  • Limited Collaboration: Team collaboration issues hindered synergy in real estate projects.
  • Incomplete lead clarity: difficulty with tracking, managing and filtering the lead.
  • Targeting constraints: Lacked personalized marketing.
  • Tracking challenges: Unable to visualize campaign impact.
  • Limited marketing methods: Bandit signs & direct mail.
  • Enhanced Monitoring and Analysis: Ability to monitor, analyze, and rectify errors promptly, resulting in improved performance metrics.
  • Improved Lead Prioritization: Recognizing the significance of targeted lists over large databases for better outcomes.
  • Strategic Focus: Targeting specific leads with precision, focusing on quality over quantity.
  • Automated Processes: Shifted from manual to automated systems for follow-ups, nurturing, and organizing leads effectively.
  • First to Market Strategy: Understanding the concept and actively implementing it for better results.
  • Empowered Data Management: Clear insights into data, enabling efficient decision-making and better lead targeting.
  • Unified Data Hub: No longer scattered across different platforms, everything consolidated within REISift.
  • Manual Data Handling: The struggle with manual processes, particularly evident in the absence of automated follow-ups and lead nurturing.
  • Missed Opportunities: Realization that despite having vast data, they were targeting the wrong leads and missing out on potential deals.
  • Data Overload: Managing excessive data without effectively filtering or understanding its relevance, resulting in inefficiencies.
  • Lack of Understanding First to Market (FTM): A lack of comprehension about the importance of FTM and not applying it effectively in their operations.
  • Successful But Hitting a Wall: Despite some success in the business, a sense of stagnation or reaching a limitation in growth.
  • Tool Transition: The shift from using Podio, an initially useful tool, but with limitations in automation and complexity.

The A-ha Moment!

Discovering the value of previously overlooked data, Torin secured a $50k wholesale deal by directly addressing a need in the market with precision and ethical consideration.

Strategy Highlights

  • Concentrated on properties with dead or wrong numbers in foreclosure lists.
  • Utilized door-knocking for direct engagement, leading to immediate deals.

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Complex Diagram of Kasims workflow

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What our users have to say

RESift Is A Must Have

REISift has been a game-changer for my business. With their system, I was able to build a repeatable process for my property acquisitions. This level of organization provided invaluable insights into what gaps I had in my business and how to fix them. The ongoing support and training have been exceptional. I highly recommend REISift for any operation looking to scale efficiently.
AJ Santana
Real Estate Investor


REISift is the single most important tool in our company. Tyler's understanding of sales and marketing is a huge bonus!I have been investing in Real Estate since 2014 and Sift has completely changed my mindset on sales and marketing.
JD Monroe
Real Estate Investor

REISIFT = Amazing

REISIFT is amazing tool! Not only is it easy to use, plus has all the best features that make it a great choice as my Top CRM, the customer service is top-notch and the team is always willing to help with any questions or issues. I highly recommend REISIFT to anyone! Its literally the TRUTH!!
Real Estate Investor

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Answers to some
commonly asked questions

How does record limit work?

According to your plan, the number of records you can upload ranges from a fixed amount to unlimited. Although there will also be a monthly upload limit, which also ranges according to your plan. For more info, check our pricing page.

Do you have good customer service?

Not above product but almost so, our customer service is what we strive to have above all else. It is our goal and desire to be the best content and customer service driven real estate platform. We have some big foot steps to follow on products such as www.carrot.com. We focus on having webinars, and weekly masterminds, education based video training, and so much more. It is our priority to make sure you are not lost in product and have a full understanding how to run effective marketing campaigns and succeed in real estate.


When you get data from your county or other list providers (even high equity) it comes with a mixture of complete and incomplete data. The problem is that most investor do not clean data before they market or skip trace, which decreases ROI due to return mail, bad skip tracing returns etc. REISift does all the heavy listing and SEPARATE trust, companies and incomplete data, as well as COMPLETES all possible addresses and make them USPS complaint for direct mail, and high skip trace results. We then teach a system on how to manage your data and "milk" that incomplete, company, and trust data. This makes sure you focus more on the valuable data you spend hard earned money on, increase ROI, and generate leads that want your help.

Can I cancel at anytime?

Absolutely! We are not sure why you would want to given our users and founders extreme success, but you can cancel at any time if you do decide that we are not the right fit for you. Always remember that in many cases it's the effort you put in to get the results you desire! We help make sure there are no reasons you cannot succeed in Real Estate or our platform except because of your own effort level. =D

I am new to real estate, is this for me?

OF COURSE!! When you get started, you do not want bad habits, and in many cases you do not have a budget to be spending on bad results from marketing. here at REISift we focus on helping you generate profitable smart marketing campaigns so that you can be successful, its up to you what happens after that :P

Do you offer free trial?

Yes, our free trial is 7-days and during this trial we work to get you from no data management to generating leads

Is REISift JUST a "List Stacker"?

ABSOLUTELY NOT! REISift is a tool for saving you time and money. It allows you to have understanding of your data through data cleansing and data management. List Stacking is an awesome by-product of data management. It allows you to remove those duplicates across lists and save money on skip tracing, direct mail, and ironically enough those records could have a higher motivation to sell. But REISift is a system to market SMARTER to ALL your data. Understand where your data has been, so you know where it should go next.

What if I already skip traced a bunch of data?

NO PROBLEM! REISift will actually allow you to import that data, and we will run it through our Advanced Skip Trace Tracker so that YOU can know where that data was skip traced, and if you got results, so when you skip trace data again, you can NOT include that data, AND if you want to skip trace that data in another location, you can filter by it and export or even skip trace in REISift. This is IMPORTANT to now where your data has been but NEVER EVER throw it away!

How accurate is vacancy check

We are confident in saying that we have the most up to date USPS vacancy check and update in the market. We not only check both mailing and property address for vacancy on UPLOAD (never buy another vacancy list again just buy more high equity!) but we also check your account all over every month AND anytime a record is edited and saved we RE-CHECK your data for being accurate to USPS, and vacancy. As well as run it through our data cleanse algorithm

Do you have skip tracing?

YES! We are very excited about our skip tracing because it is designed to be the ONLY skip tracing to help SAVE you as much money as possible. Why? Because our Founder also uses the platform and he doesn't wanna spend money on skip tracing either! You can check out our pricing page for rates, but just know. Our rates are low and our platforms advanced skip tracing tracker and skip trace algorithm are focused on making sure you utilize numbers across the platform where they can be share (example: one owner owns 50 properties -- we charge you once) and to NEVER skip the same records by allowing you to track what records have results, even if you skip trace off our platform =D