ATP 4 - Having Systems and a Team is Necessary for Prosperity

In this episode I speak with Terry Thayer about his process towards prosperity.

September 29, 2020

In this episode I speak with Terry Thayer about his process towards prosperity. Terry at the time of this podcast is in the middle of a 4 month "life" vacation (you will get this when you hear the first few minutes), inside Mexico -- all while his businesses are still operating.

He is a believer in setting a plan and making it happen, with such a strong background in Real Estate, Terry is huge on building the correct systems in your business, the correct team, and allowing yourself to do what you love. For Terry it is traveling and spending time wit his family.

I almost names this episode "What Kevin harts, Jeff Bezos and Terry Thayer have in common" because I noticed has Terry spoke, it reminded me of interviews and the mindset of not only myself but some very high performers.

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[00:00:00] Tyler Austin _: [00:00:00] what's going on, everybody. My name's Tyler, Austin. I'm your host here at allies to prosperity today. We have someone who has, like, I would say 15 times the experiences I do in the real estate space really honored to have him here. His name is Terry much of. You know, many of you will know him, from Instagram, from the tab, just around the internet.
[00:00:20]he's got three kids, one wife at a Raleigh, North Carolina, but right now, he's in Mexico. And I thought it was funny. I said, how's this vacation going? And he goes, Oh, this is in vacation. This is, this is life. And I'm like, that's, that's like, you couldn't.  had a better sentence to say to me, coming on the allies to prosper podcasts is what it's all about.
[00:00:39] It's been a real estate since Oh two, before that he was doing contracting. So really, it sounds like it's been real estate for pretty much his life, but he can dig more on that man. Terry dude, I really appreciate you taking the time out of your life vacation. where many of us want to be at,  to, to be here on allies to prosperity podcast, man.
[00:00:56]Terry Thayer: [00:00:56] Yeah, man. Thanks for having me. I appreciate it.
[00:00:58] Tyler Austin: [00:00:58] For sure, man. Awesome. So, how we always start off, we've got about 10 minutes here to kind of just go through your story, man. I'd love to hear, you know, you said you got started in Oh two before that you were doing contracting, you know, run us through that, run us through kind of what got you into real estate and then kind of fast forward a bit to kind of where you're at now and you know, why are you sitting on, you know, with a beautiful view right now in Mexico?
[00:01:20]in, not in Raleigh, North Carolina, like what got you to that point?  tell us the story.
[00:01:24]Terry Thayer: [00:01:24] Absolutely. So, yeah, I mean, I grew up as a carpenter. my dad's a carpenter, so every single vacation time off, whatever, I, I loved that I loved hanging out with my dad loved building stuff. And that was, that was before now I hate doing that stuff, but I became, I was a carpenter and I was, doing all that stuff for many years.
[00:01:44] And then I, I grew up in. Rochester, New York. So upstate New York, cold cold winters. And my dad moved down in, late. 1994 and a couple months later, I was like, what am I going to do here in Rochester, New York? I mean, this is like the armpit of America I'm out. And so I left in January, moved down to Raleigh, working with my dad.
[00:02:06] He ended up, he drove down to Raleigh in October of 94 in a red eye. I'll never forget this red vans and like, Totally like hodgepodge equipment. And he ended up, a few years later owning the largest siding company. What the suppliers were saying in the world. He was buying more materials than anybody else in the world.
[00:02:29]right in Raleigh, North Carolina had a huge operation and I was lucky enough to get a lot of experience running the operations of that business. And it got to the point where it was like, for me, it felt like Groundhog day, the movie Groundhog day, like you wake up the exact same thing over and over and over.
[00:02:46] And I was like, dad, we got to do some other stuff. Like what, you know, let's do this, let's do this. And you know, he's, he's on his way out, meaning not on his way out of life, but on his way out of like ready to retire, sell the business and just be done. And. like just young 20 something year old kid, like ready to go.
[00:03:03] And I'm like, let's do this, let's do this. And he's like, no, this is working. Let's do this. And you know what? I'm finally, I'll be 45 in a couple of weeks. And finally, I understand that and I get it. Like it works, do it, like get out of the active side. And now he's living passively. He's been retired now, out of the business now for about 12 years. And multimillionaire, just living the life, passively, doing, doing different things, still earning, but passively. Right? So. I got burnt out from it and I left him and I went and I started remodeling houses for myself. And then a no, too, I got this wild hair. Let's become a general contractor and a developer and start building houses.
[00:03:46] So me and a buddy, we started to build analysis. It's exactly what we did. We started buying houses, tearing them down, build a new houses or putting additions on. So that was like the start of my real estate investing career. It started off where we bought this house, we cut the roof off, it made it a four bedroom, four bath house right next to the university.
[00:04:05] And because we did that because the, they rent it out for like a, I want to say about $650 per room. So like, damn we could buy this house for, I think we bought the satisfied a hundred grand, put a hundred grand into it. We're like Owen testing for 200 grand and it's written out for. Six 50 times four rooms because you rented out a room.
[00:04:24] And I was like, man, that's a, that's a home run all day long. So that's, that's pretty much how I got started. And then fast forward to today. I'm a, I'm a residential home developer and develop some land. I have a few land developments going on right now. have right now, I believe. Last I looked, that was 42.
[00:04:41] I believe we were sold a few since then in the last couple of weeks. So we had 42 development pro properties going on at, at this moment. We have a handful of flips and re probably have. Or we keep, we typically keep roughly about 30, a wholesale deals on the board at a time that are just in all different phases.
[00:05:00]And then I have a bunch of rental properties I coach, and then just my passion is really helping people scale and automate their businesses so that they can do what I'm doing. Right. I have a business. I have multiple businesses running fully in Raleigh, North Carolina, while I'm sitting here in Cabo San Lucas.
[00:05:16] Right now I'm in a resort. I move into the house next Saturday. So we from tomorrow and. That's where we just signed a lease for four months. I want to stay longer. Who knows what's gonna happen? Who knows if I'll ever go home, maybe we'll go from here to Italy. Be like, who knows? You know, there's no reason.
[00:05:36]Here's my whole model philosophy on that whole thing is like I designed my life so that I can in my world so that I can do it. I want work where I want remotely. And here's my whole thing. It's like, I would much rather be looking at what I'm looking at right now, like this beautiful scenery, ocean watching stingrays jumping out of the, out of the water, then sitting at an office in Raleigh, North Carolina, where it's raining.
[00:06:05] Tyler Austin: [00:06:05] Oh, I believe you.
[00:06:06] Terry Thayer: [00:06:06] yeah. So that's, I, I'm always trying to, like, we've always prior to. COVID and being locked down and having a real hard time with travel. My wife and I for probably, I think roughly about five years ago, six years ago, we started saying. We made a rule where like re cannot be in the same place more than six weeks at a time.
[00:06:26] So if six, two weeks came by and we're in Raleigh, just grinded away and we didn't have a trip plan to where we were going somewhere, or we would just either going to the beach couple of days, go to the mountains for a couple of days, just kind of, yeah. Reset and get that change of scenery, change of environment and just, we charge it just does something different for you.
[00:06:44] So it's always kept me on top of my game by doing that.
[00:06:48]Tyler Austin: [00:06:48] I love that. Yeah. You covered a lot of big things there. I thought it was awesome. How you went, you know, you initially mentioned your, your dad. Beginning what you've seen your dad doing and how you enjoyed that. And then you kind of like, I don't know if he meant to do it or not, but I don't think he did.
[00:07:01] It's just kind of who you are. Like you wrap back around to that same thing on why you love doing what you do and how you, your businesses back to the same thing that you experienced growing up. So I thought that was really interesting there, uh, awesome story there, how you got started and where you're at now and, and you also have the tab, right?
[00:07:18] That's part of the education thing is called the tab.
[00:07:21] Terry Thayer: [00:07:21] Yeah. So we have tab retreat tab stands for
[00:07:24] the absolute best.
[00:07:25] We typically have an event every September, so happening in September. it's it's on a road, probably just wait until next September. we're talking about potentially doing or not potentially, we're talking about launching a virtual summit instead in place of, and then,  really that's where all of the education, the hiring, systems that I have and the scale and an automation, and just basically plugging people into my business, all the masterminds and mentorships that I do.
[00:07:56]Tyler Austin: [00:07:56] Right. Yeah. And I wanted to bring that up because my next question for you. And this is the start of the meat and potatoes of, you know, really what this podcast is about. The 10 questions to understand more about a high-performer more yeah. About, you know, someone who's really kind of, especially yourself, kind of got into much further along than those, just wanting to start off to reach the prosperity goals, you know, what is your motivator for prosperity?
[00:08:19] Like why, why is it like you kind of already a micro answered it, but I really want to know like the real. Mean potatoes. I'm like, what is, what is prosperity to you? And like, why are you like seeking it out so aggressively?
[00:08:31]Terry Thayer: [00:08:31] So to answer that question, I think that really started. My mind really are clicking and changing roughly about eight years ago when I was at an event is a very first event. Very first coach, very diverse coaching program I ever went to back in 2012 and I'm at this mastermind and one of the speakers gets up and she starts talking about how she lives in Florida.
[00:08:55]She spends most of her time in Southern California, but she's getting ready to go on a month long. Trip like backpacking and hiking through the mountains of Northern California. You know, it blew my mind because I'm there. I flew in on Thursday night, the mastermind was Friday, Saturday, Sunday, and I was flying out Sunday night.
[00:09:13]And all I can think about is my business is burning to the ground. I don't know what's happening. Like I wasn't present. Right. And I can't tell you at that particular point in time, the last time I took a vacation. It'd probably been 10 years in and it wasn't even a vacation that was my whole, every six week.
[00:09:29]we can get away. It's like going to the beach. That was like the last time I really took off, like I've I was grinding for so long. Well, that happened. So it changed my mind. You said a little bit, right? So over the last several years, years, I started realized that it's not just about work. It's not just about making money.
[00:09:44] It's not just like, what is life? Like? We're not here just for that. So why don't we live? Right. So my, my passion right now  is developing everything in my life so that I can do what I want when I want experience these things with my family and my whole family's moving down here. Right? So there, my wife was here at the resort with me.
[00:10:05] She went back, got the kids dog. Got our house. I'll rent it out, you know, taking care of things and it should be back here next week. And then we're here for the next four months. Like I said, who knows, maybe this is the scenery. Want to see these the next four months? Maybe we want to go somewhere else for four months after that we homeschool our kids.
[00:10:22] We've designed everything single thing. So we can do these things and really live so that at the end, Of life when I'm laying there on my death bed, I don't want to have regrets. I don't want to have, I should have done this. I wish I would have done this. I want to just know that I lived the fullest and I got to show my kids things in the biggest ways ever to open up their mind to what's possible.
[00:10:50] Tyler Austin: [00:10:50] I love it. So, so would you consider in your mind prosperity, be more of a wealth component or a freedom component
[00:10:56] then? Freedom.
[00:10:59] Terry Thayer: [00:10:59] Yeah, it's not, it's not about the money. It's about the freedom.
[00:11:02]Tyler Austin: [00:11:02] Okay. and this is kind of going to merge into the second question I have for you with what your main stream of revenue for wealth is, but in order to kind of have freedom, do you feel as though right now in a current economy that like some form of wealth or passive income is a requirement to be able to really produce the freedom that you need?
[00:11:21]Terry Thayer: [00:11:21] Yeah, it always is. I mean, yeah, it's not about the money. It's about the freedom, but you need money to have freedom. I mean, that's all there is to it. Yes. So it's not about, but my main driver is not the money. And I think my main driver used to be the money and it held me down.
[00:11:37] When it becomes bigger than money and there's such a purpose, it's just so much easier to get there and it just becomes so natural.
[00:11:44] So yeah, I mean, it's, it's, that's very important to have the money. I
[00:11:48] Tyler Austin: [00:11:48] Yeah, you have to. Yeah. So then, so then once you had that click, right, you're sitting there eight years ago, you know, and in your head, you're there and you're thinking, okay, I need to change the way that I'm thinking, like, this is more of a purpose thing. It's more of an intentional thing. And you start focusing on really.
[00:12:04] Developing the freedom aspect and then money starts coming in, you know, how did you start shaping it to where you could build the wealth component to be able to do kind of what you're doing now, where you're in Mexico. So like, what does that mean wealth driver for you now, as you, would you consider it your wholesaling company, your rentals?
[00:12:21] Like what, what would you consider being at wealth component?
[00:12:23]Terry Thayer: [00:12:23] I mean, they're all fairly equal. Every one of my businesses are fairly equal. They earn their own stuff. I mean, and I don't even really, I've never really thought about broke, broken down to me. It's like, what do you do? I'm in real estate, everything real estate, right. Everything from education to development to flip into wholesale.
[00:12:39] And it's like, I don't break it down to like, what's, what's one more. Which one brings in more revenue. I believe that in the next 12 months, my education will bring in by far more revenue than anything. Cause that's my main thing that I am personally going to be.
[00:12:54]Tyler Austin: [00:12:54] Putting your attention.
[00:12:56] Terry Thayer: [00:12:56] Yeah, just concentrating on, I mean, I have I'm I'm away from the day to day in my office. I've got people for that, my business partners back there, and this is going to be my passion. Like now all the people that are stuck the way I used to be stuck, I want to help. I want to help free them and I want to help Joe.
[00:13:13] And so I want to answer another question that you asked a little while ago, so.  Before I had a high paying job. Okay. It's it wasn't a business. It doesn't, I mean, I had people had this when you can build a team  and you can put the right people in the right seats and you can have systems and you can have training processes and you can literally take it from  a high paying job to a business.
[00:13:37] That's the game changer. when I, I felt like I had to do everything is what held me down when I was such a technician. And then even I even thought, well, I'm an entrepreneur, really? I was stuck in the management role, you know, the, the T the EMT. So then, you know, with the goal is to become the entrepreneur.
[00:13:54] And everybody thinks because they own a business or an entrepreneur. I mean, there's, there's some. Different arguments to that true entrepreneurs, able to do what you want when you want is my opinion.
[00:14:05]Tyler Austin: [00:14:05] Yeah, I actually definitely, I mean, I agree with that because I mean, I personally, in my real estate business, I'm relatively hands off. I don't really do too much, probably maybe two or three hours. There's a week right now in, in that side. And, you know, I T I tell my team, I listen, like I want to make a salary and I'm going to make my salary and everything.
[00:14:23] But my goal is for you guys to make as much money as you can possibly make, and me continue working on what I want to work on. And I'm okay with receiving, you know, I mean, obviously I want to continue to grow my salary, but I'm okay with receiving what some people would consider, you know, maybe not a super high salary, but I'm also not doing anything.
[00:14:39] Right. So, for me, that's how I look at it. You know, building out the systems, the team, and we, we both think really similar in that respect. So, I love that and, and, it comes to show why you're so passionate about it and, and building those systems around in the education, around the hiring techniques that we see on your Instagram and things like that.
[00:14:56]okay. So, number three. What is your morning routine look like right now and your evening routine, nothing in the middle. and you know, what I would like to know is how is, how did this look back in Raleigh versus how it looks now in Mexico?
[00:15:12]Terry Thayer: [00:15:12] Absolutely no different
[00:15:13]Tyler Austin: [00:15:13] Yeah,
[00:15:14] I figured so.
[00:15:15] Terry Thayer: [00:15:15] So last week I had 26 people here. I was hosting like kind of like a mini mastermind get together type cool little event kind of event. I don't call them events, but I'm hosting 26 people. I was on vacation. I was not in any kind of routine whatsoever. I mean, in my head off the pillow every single morning to get up and do it all over again.
[00:15:36]But I'll tell you my routine. I mean, this week I was back on routine. Gene is the exact same. At least six days a week, most of the time, seven days a week. It just depends if we're doing something as a family that breaks into that routine on the seventh day. So the way my day looks, I wake up at four 45 every morning I get up, I take my supplements.
[00:15:56] I hydrate just kind of get ready, just kind of, I do not like to be rushed in the morning, so that's why I get up earlier. Okay. I get up. I do all that stuff. I start working out typically by 6:00 AM, six to six 45, seven. O'clock I'm working out after that. Right now. I'm working out from home. Right now.
[00:16:15]Exactly right now, I'm working out at the resort, but prior to that gyms have closed down, we're working at home. So I would immediately go in and start drinking coffee, hanging out with my wife, read books, sometimes journal re listen to podcasts, but I just, I kinda self-development time. I'll maybe put some posts out there.
[00:16:33] Stories, just kind of engagement type of things from about seven. So seven 45, eight o'clock wake up my kid. Well, one of my kids, I wake up at seven. The other one I wake up at quarter to eight, they're getting ready. They're doing their things.  jump in the shower around eight, eight, 15, I'm back downstairs and pretty quick and easy.
[00:16:52]And my kids for about 45 minutes. And I leave, go off and start my day at 9:00 AM. So you said morning, routine and evening routine. I don't have a routine in the evening. I give myself my time in the morning and I'll.  Go to work or work right now. I'm not going to work. I'm just at work whenever I are at 9:00 AM.
[00:17:14]And when I finished, I finished, you know, I guess if you want to call routine routine is grabbing dinner and hanging out with my kids for an hour or so before we go to bed.
[00:17:23]Tyler Austin: [00:17:23] Love it. Okay. Yeah. I mean, that's fantastic. It sounds like, you know, it's interesting. The reason why I structured these questions, how to structure them is, is like, These are all like the micro questions that people make excuses on, why they can't be successful is they'll say like, well,  I don't have this, but like what you said now, you know, you, you peeling your head off the pillow, you know, when you're doing an event, I like that.
[00:17:42] And you're just trying to get getting up, you know, but you're still performing and it's in your companies is still doing what it needs to do. So it's, it's things that reflect back on for the people that, you know, might not even either be at this place or, or maybe, Can't wake up early or things like that.
[00:17:57] So that kind of leads to my next question for you on this kind of a myth that I think exists in the entrepreneurial space is, you know, what's your thoughts on waking up early versus waking up late? Do you think it matters or do you think that what you do with the time you have is more proficient?
[00:18:12]Terry Thayer: [00:18:12] For me 1000000%. It's I'm a morning person. I believe that, you know, there's some people that go go go or they get up late. They go, go, go. And they work till two in the morning. I mean, I've never experienced that to even know how to comment that. I've not seen that, that hour too many times in my life.
[00:18:30] I get up early and I go to bed fairly early. I'm usually down by nine 30, 10 o'clock and then start over. So for me, it's important in the morning. Like I think, I feel like that's when you're. The most fresh and, and again, that's me. I know other people, I struggle for several hours at a date, and then they turn on at nine o'clock at night and that's when they get their best work done.
[00:18:53] So, I mean, I can't judge other people on what, what is good for them for me, it's the morning for sure.
[00:18:59] Tyler Austin: [00:18:59] Yeah, it's interesting because most, most people say, you know, it is the morning, you know, I'm one of those types where, you know, I'm, I definitely perform better in the morning. Like I feel better throughout the whole day in the morning, but I, I complete more at night, so it's kind of weird. So I'm kind of like a mixed, you know, In between the two, but I think it's interesting because in the end, would you agree that it, it really doesn't matter as long as you don't make up excuses on why you're not getting to where you want to go to based off of whether you're waking up at one o'clock nine in the morning, you know?
[00:19:31] Terry Thayer: [00:19:31] So, so yes and no, this is the only thing that makes me say no. And it all depends on what you do. Right? I know people in the real estate industry that don't get up till nine, 10 o'clock and then they're like, Oh, I'm working at night. Well, guess what? 99% of America is up in the morning. Cranking contractors are going in the morning.
[00:19:49]I mean, if you're an econ or something like that, I mean, it doesn't matter, right. If you're a marketer, whatever, like those, it just depends on what you're doing. If you're in real estate, like get your ass up, get up, do your stuff in the morning and work with the rest of how everybody else does it. If you're trying to be efficient, that's what you need to do.
[00:20:07]Tyler Austin: [00:20:07] I totally, totally agree with that because that's what I, that's exactly what I say is like, you gotta, you're you're you need to build a business around your lifestyle, but at a certain point, you have to understand that, you know, your industry kind of dictates that answer, which is exactly what you discovered.
[00:20:21] So I love that. awesome. So, What do you do? I mean, you're, you're, you've been in the business since really before. Oh two. You really, your whole life. If you've been in, in the form of real estate, you mentioned that your first event was in 2012 where you actually like went to an event and did, and had a mentor and stuff like that.
[00:20:40]If I heard you correctly. So, you know, how did, how do you stay current? Like right now? I mean, you, you host the tab, you, you, you do all this stuff. I mean, how does someone like yourself that, that hosts and does education stay current? Not only in like. You know, the real estate space, but everything that you're trying to accomplish.
[00:20:55] Terry Thayer: [00:20:55] I try not to be the smartest person in the room. I try to be around big people that I can learn from. I'm constantly trying to educate through books, podcasts. I'm just seeking out information and what can make me better every single day. I want to be around people that are making so much more money than me.
[00:21:13]That I've just like, when I, when I know what they're doing or see what they're doing or what they have, it almost feels like it's unreachable, but then it puts it into perspective of how reachable it is and that anybody can do it. We all have the same 24 hours in a day. It's just a matter of what we do with it.
[00:21:29]Tyler Austin: [00:21:29] Yeah, I love that. And I actually just, I put it out there on, we do an auto Legion challenge for, for REI sift and we, we, Last night, I was watching a video of Kevin Hart interviewed by Tony Robins. I'm not sure if you've seen that, but, you know, I posted out there and was something that I really loved, you know, Kevin, Hart's such amazing success story from where he came from to where he's at now.
[00:21:49]You know what well worth, well over 200 million and, you know, number one most known, like. Comedian. And he said something that I thought really struck interesting was that the reason why he continues to come and I pushed away he does is because of his lack of not knowing. So if he sees somebody. Like Jeff Bezos and Oprah.
[00:22:10] And those are the two examples you kind of gave, you know, if, if those two people are in our room, he asked the question, like, how did they get living room with each other? How did Oprah get where she is? What are the questions she asked? What did she do? How he asks questions. Cause he's not satisfied with not knowing.
[00:22:24] And he said pretty similar to what you just said. As far as the 24 hours a day, he said, you know, I'm a guy, he's a guy. You know, that's a girl, but we're both humans. We have the same opportunity. So what is a difference between them in me? And what do I have to learn from that? Then the only way to do that is to literally put yourself in the same room with them and start leveling up, you know, a bit at a time.
[00:22:44] That's a fantastic answer. I would have, as what I would have expected did from somebody with your kind of mindset. So love it. Okay. On that note of, you know, we went through kind of waking up or routines and you know, how you stay current, what would you say is like your absolute number one habit, whether it be bad or good, or it doesn't even have to be education related or anything about what we talked about thus far, just like a habit that you do that either pushes you further towards, you know, where you're getting to or something that kind of hinders you back.  
[00:23:18] Terry Thayer: [00:23:18] I'm a pretty straight forward person. I mean, it's, my, my habits are.
[00:23:22]I've got that routine that just never changes in the morning. My day is so damn structured. I'm very OCD. Okay. So everything has to be in line. That has to be very structured in the same. So my entire life is a habit. Like
[00:23:39] habit would be, my habit would be, I guess if I said I had a habit, is, is holding people accountable.
[00:23:46]And pushing people to the next level. Like a lot of people say that they're like, I've had so many people say, Hey, I was talking to so and so, you know, they know you and, and they've told me that they, one thing that they really appreciate about you is how you're always pushing them onto you're pushing them out of their comfort zone and holding them accountable.
[00:24:06]Tyler Austin: [00:24:06] Okay. So, so then accountability would be your habit then. I like that that's unique. That's better than everyone else thus far, not to say that, you know, the previous folks didn't have good answers, but they just basically said fitness. A fitness was their habit.
[00:24:19] Terry Thayer: [00:24:19] it was fitness. I mean, you know, it's, I work out every single day, almost every single day, but it's not a habit, I guess. It's just not like, like some of these people are just like, I do it because I put my timing, right? Some people, I like know exactly what they're doing and how they're breaking their body down and doing all these things and eating right and all that.
[00:24:43] And I wish I had more discipline there.
[00:24:45]Tyler Austin: [00:24:45] Yeah, me too. Trust me. Trust me, me too. okay, awesome. So number, number seven here, you know, we talked about your morning routine, your evening routine, what is the actual middle of the day look like? You know, you've got a lot of stuff automated, like right now, you know, what do you do day in and day out really to kind of, are you recording content?
[00:25:04] I mean, like, what does it look like? What's a typical day.
[00:25:07]Terry Thayer: [00:25:07] Typical day is. Talk about structure again. I mean, some people just stay on like ridiculous, but I agree with them. I have a calendar in my outlook. That literally tells me what to do at every single point throughout the day. So it's got my routine in there and then it's like, okay, I've got this hour blocked away for a checking emails.
[00:25:29] I've got this hour waive for a blocked away or a couple hours for sales and building the business. Like I pretty much eat lunch at the same time every single day. So my day is consists of coaching my team. And helping other people like helping my team get better. Like pretty much my entire team. He was on some type of the base plus commission.
[00:25:53]So how can I help them make more money? How can I help them earn which when it goes all the way around, it comes back to me, the more they earn, the more iron. So it's not about that. Like, I want them to win. I want them, I want to get to the point where each one of them to the point where they're earning so much money that they're like, okay, what do I do with this money now?
[00:26:12]How can I create generational wealth through passing? So the investments, while I'm doing this, while I'm doing these sales.
[00:26:19]Tyler Austin: [00:26:19] Where do you think that you like got the habit of, you know, the, the structure? Do you think that that was something that came as like, as a kid or did it kind of build into it as something your dad kind of enforced upon you? I mean, what, where did that like
[00:26:33]Terry Thayer: [00:26:33] I would like to say it was something, I think it was just something I was luckily born with with drive. And it's just like, I just have this massive obsession with. Just stay in so accountable and getting things done at the highest level and just constantly pushing myself. So it just, the only thing that doesn't allow me to be there is knowledge.
[00:26:53] Like if I don't know something, you know, I love when I get these aha moments and like, Oh, if I do this, this, this tweak, this like, look how much more I can do, look how much more I can earn, like how much more I can help people.
[00:27:04]Tyler Austin: [00:27:04] It's like that a moment as an entrepreneur, when you have multiple businesses and you get an executive assistant or someone to like maintain all the other little things, as you're doing that, take up a, you know, a third of your, your week and then you, now those are gone and now you have that much more you can accomplish that drives a meter forward.
[00:27:20] I mean, it's, it's really a beautiful thing. If you understand what you're doing in your, in a week, you're in a day, you'll start finding, like you said earlier, you have 24 hours in a day. Differences, what are you doing with it? And you know exactly what that answer is, you know, so that's fantastic. Awesome.
[00:27:34] So, this next question, many people end up saying, well, I'm not even gonna tell you what other people say. Ah, you feel free to watch the other episodes, but, cause I want to really hear you, your unique answer here, you know, In, in business, you know, where the allies to prosperity podcast, I strongly strongly believed just like the Wars we've experienced through the world.
[00:27:52]No one has ever won a war without allies. The only reason we won world war II was because we had more allies than, than the others. Right. so with that being said, you know, our life is built with allies. You mentioned being in the room with smarter people. What would you account, you know, a lot of your success.
[00:28:07] Do you like, who are your allies, you know, in your business specifically?
[00:28:11]Terry Thayer: [00:28:11] In my business, my team, my business partner, my wife, who's also my business partner. I'm not good. talking about two different people,
[00:28:22] but yeah, I mean, my, my, my business partner, Keith allows me to like, he's, he runs that part of the business and I'm running this part of business and education and all.
[00:28:33] So my wife  gives me, she's like, She, she knows that if she can take away some of the distractions and do some of these things that I can, I can earn and come out the other side so much better. So I mean those two specifically, but every single person on my team drives me crazy. When I hear  I'm of a self made millionaire.
[00:28:54] Really never a team to help you out doing it. Like you just kinda like thought of this and you're a self made millionaire. If you went and pick a lottery ticket and won a lottery, that's about it. But I mean, otherwise it takes so many people to create success.
[00:29:10]Tyler Austin: [00:29:10] Love it. Yeah. It's kind of, it's kind of one of those things. It's funny, you mentioned a lottery, it even in a lottery ticket, somebody probably, you probably used your mother's birthday or, you know, those numbers weren't just made up randomly usually. so it's kind of funny use that analogy. usually I kind of create sub questions with these questions is it makes me curious, you know, in your business you're, you're unbeliever, your team is like, they're all your allies, right?
[00:29:33] They're all equally of importance.  but would you say if you're going to have, because you're real estate specific, right? If, if something was, was like, Oh, catching on fire. Right. And you needed to, to, to reach out to one specific, type of, individual being an attorney, your title company, you know, something like that.
[00:29:52] What would you say is like the number one ally ally you have to reach out to in order to like solve some major fire that might be kicking off before closing.
[00:30:01]Terry Thayer: [00:30:01] Whatever mentor that I have in my life. I mean, mentors and coaches, they're just, it's basically buying time, saving you from mistakes, helping you through the things. That you don't know, and just helping you get through all that stuff. I mean, when I discovered that in 2012 coaching and coaches and mentorship, I mean, it blew my mind and so much has happened from that.
[00:30:25] And I spend a lot, yeah. Money every single year on self-development mentorship, all that. To make sure that, you know, there's one thing you can't get more of. You can get you. Everybody has the same opportunity to make as much money as possible. Okay. We cannot get more time back. So how do we duplicate time and how to re the way I used to do it?
[00:30:46] Use the think is I was spending money. All I'd have to spend a lot of money for this mentor to learn this and. How would I get the return on investment? How would I be able to afford that? Now I'd like to got it as you know, I mean, I mean, just give me a pure example. I mean, there was a particular thing that I was doing a little over a year and I told these people, this mentor, I said, look, I there's nothing.
[00:31:12] You gonna teach me in real estate. I've been doing real estate longer. Then you have, but what you're doing in this specific part of the business, I can spend the next three years doing it. And I can fall on my face and spend all this waste all this money, or I can pay you, invest in. Do you ultimately invest in myself and get there in six months or less?
[00:31:32] How much? It doesn't matter because I'm buying time. We only have so much.
[00:31:37] Tyler Austin: [00:31:37] Yep. I totally agree with that. And I think it's funny because I, you know, in the REI Civ  we've built a community of, of a lot of individuals who had know a lot of different information, right.
[00:31:46] And what I've realized is a common trend, uh, especially, you know, in, in the wholesaling and real estate spaces. When somebody has a question, the very first thing they'll do is they'll try and go find it for free, right. They'll go try and put it, you know, type it into YouTube and a lot of information, which is what is, is fantastic in a lot of our users, for whatever reason.
[00:32:04]you know, won't take advantage of the fact that there's a lot of other individuals that have that information, including some of which are. You know, mentors, I don't like really, liked it or gurus, cause I don't really believe in a whole guru, you know, mantra. Cause most of them don't actually do the business.
[00:32:19] But  you know, it's, it's funny that you, I say that because a lot of people don't understand that, that concept and I'm glad you mentioned it here because, Communities in themselves are a form of, you know, you talk about getting yourself in the room, right? With the right people, you know, a niche community in sales and marketing.
[00:32:37] You want to know more about sales and marketing, like find where people are, find where people are learning, how to do that. and, and enjoying the communities. Right. Fine. You know, where people are learning to hire people, right? Like your community, right. That's something that you take really seriously.
[00:32:51] You can tell by all the, you know, the answers to your questions up to this far, you know? So join that community. Like don't reinvent the wheel. We've never done it. History repeats itself. So if you can jump in and exibit at yourself to success, then do that. Cause yeah, no time. There's no time. There's nothing you can get back.
[00:33:07]it's what you do with your time. So that's fantastic. Your mentors are your allies. I love that.
[00:33:11]Terry Thayer: [00:33:11] Yeah, you said, you said gurus. Like, I don't believe in gurus because I believe in doers, like
[00:33:21] Tyler Austin: [00:33:21] Gotta be doing it, man, if you're not doing it. And that's what I always tell people is like, you know, because you know, I mean it, you could build a SOC like REI Surfrider build REI SIF, and we could say, Hey, you know, we're just a software product that does this, this and this, you know? but the fact remains that, you know, everything that.
[00:33:35] Is built in res is built based off of, you know, experiences in, in, in sales and marketing and me having my own seven feet. You're like real estate company. And, you know, is when you come into REI stuff and I'm not, you know, this podcast isn't about REI SIF, but when you come in, like you're joining that community when you go in to a meetup in, in Raleigh and you see Terry there.
[00:33:55] You know, you're in the right community because you know what his level of clearances, right? If you, if you see somebody and you have the opportunity, it's another thing. I mentioned, Kevin Hart earlier, you know, there's an interview out there. I recommend everyone look up at, with Kevin Hart when he met Jeff Bezos.
[00:34:08]Initially everybody around him was like, no, you can't go talk to Jeff Bezos. He's like, Way way bigger than you, right? You can't go ask him this question. He's like, well, when am I ever going to have the chance to go ask Jeff Bezos a question? You know, you will imagine what somebody like Kevin or one of these other individuals that, you know, have reached that certain level of success, what they spend.
[00:34:29] Or what they would spend to have someone like Jeff Bezos, if he wasn't mentor, you know, to mentor them, I'm sure they would spend a wealthy amount of money, to, to be speaking, you know, to somebody who has built one of the biggest, if not the biggest company like in the world, So don't reinvent the wheel.
[00:34:45]but thank you. Thank you for, for bringing that up. Mentors are huge and so are communities. okay, so,  number nine. What have you found that you need to avoid in order to keep absolute focus? Is there anything that you do that you realize will start messing you up a little bit, started bringing you down and you're going to have to like, you know, recapture yourself from going kind of down into like a darker place or
[00:35:10]Terry Thayer: [00:35:10] Yup.
[00:35:12] The media. I can't listen to what I can't. People are like, Oh, don't you want to know what's going on in the world? I'm like, hell no, I want to know what's going on in my world. Like, it just puts me, I have such a hard time. Keeping them right. Mindset. After I listened to any kind of news or jargon crap, I just, I have to stay focused on what I can control and that right there, it just, it totally takes me off track.
[00:35:37] I have a hard time staying on track when that gets in the way.
[00:35:43]Tyler Austin: [00:35:43] I totally man, we're in agreeance stuff on the, on this when I was for sure. Got, I hate it. I hate like the media in itself. you know, people, people try and bring up different things that are happening in the, you know, like you hear this, you know, this thing that happened or that thing that happened, I'm like, I don't even know what you're talking about.
[00:35:58] I know it's not the bestest things, but I almost don't even know who's running for president, you know, presidential election right now. just because I distanced myself so much and I know. You know, there's obviously pros and cons to that, but I quite literally, it doesn't matter to me what happened. I mean, it does matter to me obvious.
[00:36:14] I mean, it definitely matters to me, but directly impacting. I don't really care because I'm caring about. No matter what happens. I know what my direction is. I think  would you, this is a sidebar question, but, you know, would you say that you have contingency plans for, you know, if, if, if let's just say.
[00:36:35] I'm curious what you're going to say on this. If, if real estate, they all crashed tomorrow. Cause this is a big thing that's going on right now. Like real estate is going to crash and yet you've been in the game, same as you know, of real estate itself since before or through with the last crash. Right. So if everything crashed, what do you believe?
[00:36:49]Or do you think you have to have a contingency plan in place or, or do you think, Like liquid, you adopt over into another marketing strategy, or do you think that simply continuing on your processes and the same people that would want to sell are going to continue to want to sell? And as long as you maintain focus and don't follow the trends that you'll be able to kind of overcome it.
[00:37:11] I know that was kind of weird question.
[00:37:12] Terry Thayer: [00:37:12] Yeah, no, no, it's not at all. I mean, my thought process with all that is, is if every single thing, if, if everything crashed in real estate, but I don't believe it's going to  there's going to be adjustments and all that. Of course. But if everything just wiped out and it turned into Oh eight and it just shut off the one thing that you can't take, well, you can take my businesses.
[00:37:36] You can take all the money, you can take everything I have. You can't take the knowledge and what I've learned so I can shift and I can, if it burns down, I'll rebuild it. Okay. Number one, number two, I'm a firm believer of having multiple streams of income. So we're now, recently one of the recent things is getting into an Amazon stores and ah, doing different things with, lending or just other types of investments getting involved with, to diversify in Oh eight.
[00:38:10] I was nothing, but. A builder. I had one stream of income. I had one, so it would have been much better if I was flipping at the time. It wasn't even flipping really. I was really just a developer. So when that happened, it was a developer. Sorry, I did have, I have a, a granite fabrication shop, which was a direct result of the builder's cry, which takes you down.
[00:38:33] So it's it's point is, is I like to diversify you can't take my knowledge. Away from me. If it all goes away, I will be completely fine. And we'll just rebuild it in. It doesn't matter if I'm want to go in, I'll just figure out what's the next market. What else can I make money in? And I'll go do it. It's the same exact formula.
[00:38:52]It's just a different product, a different service.
[00:38:54]Tyler Austin: [00:38:54] Yeah, I love that. I think that that was answered perfectly. okay, great. So, number, number 10, this is the last question of, of the core 10 questions. You know, nobody talks about failures, right? everyone just. You know, speaking of gurus a little bit earlier, everyone talks about all the money. They make everything they got going on.
[00:39:13]No one ever talks about the failures that they do in their business. So love to hear at least one failure and kind of, what was your biggest thing that you learned from it in order to not kind of do it again? Because in my belief there's no such thing as failures. There's only lessons to be learned to, to grow even further.
[00:39:27]Terry Thayer: [00:39:27] I fail every day.
[00:39:29] Right? There's every day I look back and I'm like, how can I change this? How can I fix this? There you're right there. Lessons. That's exactly what they are. And for me personally, I feel like my biggest struggles and daily bate failures are doing the things that I shouldn't be doing. Meaning things that somebody like an assistant, one of the biggest things I'm struggling with right now is, and this is just a mental thing. It's not that difficult, but it's just getting over it, like getting somebody to take over my email. If I can get somebody to take over all my emails and just those conversations.
[00:40:05] And even, even a lot of the social media stuff, like the commenting. And, you know, if I can duplicate myself in that way, it's not about if it's just doing it. That to me today is my biggest failure because it takes so much of my time that I can never give back where I'm not earning or I'm not. And that's during the day.
[00:40:25] Right. So if it's, if it takes me, if I spend an hour a day on email, let's say that's an hour a day. I can be spending with my kids, with my wife, my family, doing stuff. So.  Failure failure happens right daily. And I learned from it and I try to fix it and create a system to make it not happen again. Except for email.
[00:40:44] I just keep
[00:40:46] Tyler Austin: [00:40:46] Yeah. Yeah. I feel that'd be it. I, I started off, I tried to have, I'm going to actually loop back around to this question a little bit later, but I started having some, some people in overseas, you know, Filipino VAs, try and take over my email. And over time it just did not work. It was just ended up falling a lapsing over and it just.
[00:41:04] Absolute chaos now.  so I attempted it failed and I still yet have done that. And it bites me in the butt all the time, because I suck at doing that. So I feel your pain there. So what I'm going to wrap that up to be on, on that front is that, As an entrepreneur, as a businessman, you know, your outlook on what maybe you're a failure is for you is to not automate the really micro, being email, you know, social media and things like that, which could have compounded to being able to, you know, have more time for, you know, the prosperity things that you're working towards.
[00:41:38]would you agree on that? Is that accurate enough? Awesome. okay, cool. So that's the core gauntlet of question. That's this the 10 questions that we will like to know about every entrepreneur, every businessman and woman. these next questions are this next specific question is kind of a, a.
[00:41:54] Combination of all 10 of those for every one of those questions, it was a category. Why do you and so on? So my question for you now is why do you wake up every day and not quit? Like what makes you say, you know what? This is enough. I'm just going to stay here. And what, like what makes you continue to grow?
[00:42:10] What makes you decide that, the struggle is not, not worth it anymore.
[00:42:15]Terry Thayer: [00:42:15] Cause I'm obsessed with growth because I do it. I want my, I want to set an example for my kids. I want my kids to be able to see. And ultimately it's like, you know, I was just having a conversation with someone last week when we had a bunch of people here I'll never retire, like retire. I've heard of so many people, they retire and a couple of years later they die. Right. If you're not growing, you're dying. You've heard that saying. Right. So it's really that it's like, I need to, I need to constantly grow. I need to constantly push myself. I need to need to cut. It's not for any kind of end goal. Right? Cause I feel like I have everything that I want or need right now.
[00:42:57] I don't need more. I don't need a. Private jet. I don't need this. I can do whatever I want and, and have whatever I want. And it's all about being creative. Like I was just, I just said in a post this morning that I put on Instagram and Facebook, they said, you know, I decided I made a decision to move here to Cabo for a few months.
[00:43:19] I made a decision. I didn't know how it was going to play out. I didn't know the details. It's like I committed. And then I figured out the details. Well, at the end of the day, I'm actually living cheaper here, like overall, because I'm doing some kind of longterm rental things for my house. We set up our house a certain way.
[00:43:35]I have a really nice car. I decided, you know what. If I'm not going to be here for next four plus months, I'm going to sell it. So I sold my car. My wife has her car still.  the house that we have, the way we have it set up rehab, we're bringing in people for coaching, bringing people in, come in for a few days and it's creating an additional stream of income.
[00:43:58] So it's actually, I'm making more money. On living my living expenses, then I was being back there. Right. So it didn't happen that way on purpose. It just kinda just kinda fell in, in the place that way. But it's just for, for me, it's there and anything's possible. Anything's possible. You just have to just jump into it.
[00:44:23] Like on this post that I put, I have all of these comments and people asking me like, how do you do it? What, what I'd love to do that? I'm like, what then just do it or set up yourself over the next couple of months, couple of years, whatever it takes, design yourself to be able to do it. It's your it's only, only you are holding you back. It's for me, it's the alley. I'll never stop. I'll never stop for the reason of, I want to be around to see my kids grow up. I want to give them experiences. I want to see their kids someday. I want to spend so much more time with my wife. I don't want to die. Right. I'm not ready. It's not my time yet. I want to be able to help more people.
[00:45:10] So if I just kind of let go. I believe I wouldn't be here much longer, if that makes
[00:45:17] Tyler Austin: [00:45:17] Yeah, no, I love it. And I, I think it's, it's so awesome because, you know, you mentioned a lot of things in there that are, that were a lot of the different pillars of what prosperity really is, you know? you mentioned somebody saying, you know, Oh, well, I, that, how do you do that? You know? And you're like, Oh, just, just do it or set yourself up to be able to do it.
[00:45:37] Like, you know, You know, I have some buddies I've mentioned in some other episodes where, you know, when they got out of the military, you know, like I went in and started doing my thing. So I worked for the government again. And like, they literally just went out and just started, you know, traveling and just working here and go in and do their thing.
[00:45:52] And, you know, to them. That's what it was all about. Right. Just traveling and they didn't really care about the money side of it, you know? they didn't need it. so I think it's interesting because different people have different objectives and end goals. but what I think is a commonality is that people generally.
[00:46:08] Want to be happy. Right. So, I mean, naturally, why wouldn't you, so if you just figure out what that answer is, if you think that's going to be living in Mexico for four months, then fantastic. And if you have a capability to kind of structure it to like what you are to where you're actually making it to where it actually is a beneficial thing, or it's at least breaking even then, why the hell aren't you.
[00:46:30] But the differences is that, like you said, you made the decision and it's another big difference between those that succeed and don't succeed, as you just said, let's do it. The other person would ask you the question on how you did it, you know? so that's, that's freaking awesome. I love it. alright, so that is, the, the end of the, the kind of the, the rah kind of questions, if you will.
[00:46:52]next, we're going to talk about that Ninja tips and tricks with this is, is this the section of a podcast where essentially, I just want to know a few things about you, right? I want it. If, if anyone ever it comes to an event or, or, or goes to a meetup and they see Terry there, I want them to have some things to be able to relate and be able to, you know, talk to you because this is the allies to private security podcast.
[00:47:14] You are an ally, and, you know, I want them to be able to have something, to have conversation starters and whatnot. So the first question for you, and by the way, these are one minute a one. So you either kind of like a fire around if you will. So favorite relaxation drink.
[00:47:29] Terry Thayer: [00:47:29] Tequila.
[00:47:31] Did you know today's national tequila
[00:47:33] Tyler Austin: [00:47:33] I did. Cause my executive assistant said, Hey, I G I can't finish the rest of the stuff.
[00:47:38] It's national a tequila day. I was like, no, no complaints there.
[00:47:41] Terry Thayer: [00:47:41] getting ready to do after this podcast, I'm getting ready to do a group face time with a bunch of friends and we're going to do tequila
[00:47:49] Tyler Austin: [00:47:49] I love it. That's fantastic. tequila is one of those things. I haven't drank it straight too often, but I used to do tequila. when I would go to North Captiva Island on West coast of Florida would drink a Corona halfway for the rest of what the Gila and drink that. And it's always a really, really fun time.
[00:48:04]  Um, love that. Okay. tequila. So if you guys were ever around Terry, get him a shot at tequila he'll, he'll spill all the beans.
[00:48:11] Terry Thayer: [00:48:11] it's gotta be the right
[00:48:13] Tyler Austin: [00:48:13] Got it. Okay. What is the right tequila?
[00:48:15] Terry Thayer: [00:48:15] I think was the one I'm like hooked on right now. I love is that, that Don Julio, 70, love that stuff,
[00:48:21] Tyler Austin: [00:48:21] Yeah. I don't blame you. There's some good stuff. alright, cool. So number two, favorite book for a CEO.
[00:48:28]Terry Thayer: [00:48:28] man. It's my favorite. But every time anybody asks me this question, my answer is my favorite book is the one I'm reading right now or the one I just
[00:48:38] read. Right. So I would say what I'm reading right now is you ever read the book profit first.
[00:48:47] So the next one is fixed this next
[00:48:51] that's the SQL of, or the next book after.
[00:48:54] And that's what I'm reading right now. And I'm just, I'm obsessed with everything I just got started, two days ago. So great book profit first has changed our game completely.
[00:49:07] Yeah, we've implemented that in all of our businesses,
[00:49:09] Tyler Austin: [00:49:09] Love it profit first. and then in the second one that is fixed this next, a good accompany to those it's pretty similar as the four hour work week, obviously kind of like a very, really kind of similar mindset to me, but, alright, awesome. So number three,
[00:49:26]Terry Thayer: [00:49:26] traveling, being with my family.
[00:49:29] Tyler Austin: [00:49:29] Okay. Traveling and being with a family. Love it. Alright, well, so those are the three questions, you know, though, those are our three questions I kind of came up with as I kind of learned more about kind of what you're doing, where you're at. And I figured there would be really good conversation starter.
[00:49:43] So you got to get Terry's some, a tequila has gotta be done. Don Julio, some of the good stuff, you know what I mean? If you see him out and about, you know, if you're, if you're ever wondering, you know, what kind of topics to talk about, you know, what type of books people like is a really good way to understand that?
[00:49:58] So, you know, the, one of the things that always stuck with me was, you know, people full of wealth. Generally, don't talk about movies, right? To talk about what book they're reading. So, you know, for that fix, fix this next, ask them for a summary of that. She'll give you wealth of knowledge and then, you know, Ask about the family.
[00:50:13] See what's going on, see where he's traveled.  and that will get, you know, know Terry a bit more. So the next set of questions here is, going to be, another three questions is another fire round, but for these ones, these ones are related towards sales and marketing specifically.
[00:50:29] Okay. There are things that I think that, you would have a specific insight on in the real estate space that would help somebody out if they were to be wondering these questions. Okay. So the very first one is who the first person that needs to be hired in your, is it sales? Or is it marketing?
[00:50:45] Terry Thayer: [00:50:45] Specifically in real estate,
[00:50:48] Tyler Austin: [00:50:48] Yeah. Specifically in real estate.
[00:50:50] Terry Thayer: [00:50:50] the answer is acquisitions. But my second part of the answer is I never hire somebody in as acquisitions. They come in as a followup manager, junior acquisitions, and they earn the acquisition. So we hire junior acquisitions. They earn the ax acquisitions role.
[00:51:11]Tyler Austin: [00:51:11] Love it. Okay. what is your favorite marketing strategy right now? That fits, this is the, the caveat to that. And when you answer this question, it has to fit towards what you feel. If you didn't have a team would still help you continue to be prosperous in a way that you believe prosperity is.
[00:51:28] Terry Thayer: [00:51:28] Equally is a cold colon and, and a PPC.
[00:51:33] Tyler Austin: [00:51:33] Okay, who PPC is a good one. alright. So the last question for you is should you hire overseas help or local help?
[00:51:43]Terry Thayer: [00:51:43] I personally believe that you should build a team internally, locally at first. Cold, my cold callers. They're all out of the office. They are overseas. They're not within. Okay. so my, my, our model and our businesses, we do not ever cold call. We don't ever, anything comes into our office is warmed up. So I believe that you start off with that.
[00:52:13] And then over time as you're scaling, you can start to build a VA team as well. In parallel, but then you have your internal team, like a sales manager, manage those people in and train them and onboard them.
[00:52:31]Tyler Austin: [00:52:31] I agree with that a hundred percent actually. Yeah, I think that, yeah, I have the same mindset on that, on the sales and marketing space, you know, you gotta, for me, I always tell people, it's like, you know, you gotta ask yourself, you know, what kind of business you're trying to grow here? You know, for me, community is one of our core values.
[00:52:48] Like we're looking to grow. Build something that's very core. and, the exterior help that we receive is very, for specific tasks and we have to grow into being able to add those in to our business. So I think that's, it's awesome. man, that was, That was all the questions right there, man. That's, that's a lot of information, a lot, a lot of really, really golden nuggets nuggets.
[00:53:09] I think, I think that anybody who is interested in prosperity has a lot, a lot to learn from you, especially, you know, here's the thing, like if you haven't been in business since Oh two, and if you are not staying on an Island for four months, then you probably should relisten to this all over again.
[00:53:27] Right. I think you should really sink in and understand kind of, you know, the type of mentality and a type of mindset that Terry has, because it is, something that is going to make sure that, that you're truly able to get where you're going. what we know that they do here is, is kind of just, we have a little bit of extra time here just to really kind of, cover.
[00:53:48] One more kind of question. It's not really, it is a question I guess, but, if, if you were back, when you were making that decision in, in when your transit for transferring out in Oh two, decide to be a builder, if someone else I was looking to make this same decision, right. Move on from their family business, do their own thing.
[00:54:04]Like what kind of recommendation would you give them? If, if they were having a limiting mindset, right. Well, how would you, how would you talk yourself out of not doing it or not, not doing it rather?
[00:54:18] Terry Thayer: [00:54:18] So I want to make sure I'm clear on the question. Is that going from the family business to being a developer or just being an entrepreneur?
[00:54:26]Tyler Austin: [00:54:26] I think in general, right? Even just you making the decision to stay in Mexico for four months. Like if someone was wanting to know, wanting to do something, like how would, how would you say they had limited beliefs in themselves? How would you talk to themselves to them through that?
[00:54:41]Terry Thayer: [00:54:41] Gotcha. Okay. It's ultimately like, what are your goals? What are your vision? What do you want to create? What legacy do you want to leave behind? Like, I start trying to help them not think about the moment in the moment, like what's going on and what's going to happen tomorrow. And this, this, this like, look out in the future.
[00:55:01] Let's start with the end. In mind and then reverse engineer it. How are we going to get there? Are we going to get their work in a nine to five at a bank or whatever the case might be or are we going to create our own legacy and our own time? And I, that's what I try to do. I try to paint the picture of what it's going to take to get to where you want to be.
[00:55:23] And then let's reverse engineer. I can get you there.
[00:55:26] Tyler Austin: [00:55:26] I love that because it's, again, prosperity. It looks so much different in two different individuals. You could literally be the happiest man alive. Working in a bank. I would not like that at all. You could be the happiest man, alive, happiest woman, alive, working in a bank all the time, maybe investing in real estate for the wealth component part time.
[00:55:43] And you could be, like I said, the happiest person ever for me. I would not be happy. I would have to probably just ran my head into the safe door over and over and over. But Hey, if that's your thing, that's your thing. so I love that figure out where you want to be in 10 years, 20 years, 50 years from now, what does your family look like?
[00:56:01] What do your kids look like? What do they have and reverse engineering. It's awesome. okay, awesome. Do you have any other words of wisdom that you could share to people that are looking to be prosperous? Anything at all?
[00:56:12]Terry Thayer: [00:56:12] First and foremost, figure out what you want to do. And then once you know what you want to do in the path, you want to go in, figure out who's doing that same thing at the highest level and try to bring them on as a mentor. So there's not, you know, a lot of people are out there. I'm a life coach. I'm this, I'm this I'm, this I'm a life coach, but I've never gone through anything in life.
[00:56:36] I have no experiences. Like it drives me crazy. Or like these people, like they did 20 deals and all of a sudden they're a real estate coach. It's, you know, what made you feel like you could be that person just because you like it and you want to so find the right people that are doing what you want to do at the highest level.
[00:56:56] And if they're not mentoring, figure out how to follow every footstep that they do figure out how to do what they're doing.
[00:57:04]Tyler Austin: [00:57:04] I love that as fantastic. I always say the same thing. In fact, me, my buddies, you know, we asked us like, who do we need to tackle next? Like, who's the person that we need to like provide value to that's in that next level, you know, that we're trying to get into. And it's something you're no matter what level you get to, there will always be someone.
[00:57:22] Bigger than you, right. There always be someone who has more life experience, more knowledge, more failures, you know, seek them out. I love that. Terry man, how, how do people find out about you? How do people find out about the tab? How do people, if they're interested in real estate, in, in resonated with you today, you know, how would they reach out?
[00:57:40] And if they did reach out, what would be the one thing that you would say is your unique selling proposition, they should reach out to you about.
[00:57:47]Terry Thayer: [00:57:47] Yeah. So reach out to me. It's Terry Thayer, T H a Y E R I I'm on Instagram, LinkedIn and Facebook. It's all the same Terri. There. is my website. And what was, what did you ask me about.
[00:58:05] Tyler Austin: [00:58:05] Yes, I got long-winded your unique selling proposition if you had, if, if you had a, if they were to reach out to you, like, like, like you probably wouldn't want them reaching out to you for example, and saying, Hey, how many cold callers should I have? Or maybe, or how many dials should I make a day? Like, what would, what should they reach out to you about.
[00:58:25] Terry Thayer: [00:58:25] Yeah. I mean, it's usually. I'm about scaling and automating your business, putting systems in your business and helping you not make the mistakes that I've made. That cost me time and money. So the, the answer to that question is, is, is letting me know what your goals are, what you want to do, what you're currently doing.
[00:58:48] And I can let you, I can design something and help you get to where you want to be as fast as humanly possible.
[00:58:56]Tyler Austin: [00:58:56] Awesome man, Tara, I appreciate you again, taking your time, you know, you're in Mexico, so you, you, you, you decided, yeah, come on here and spit some prosperity knowledge to these folks tuning in and the REI, SIF community. Those that are gonna listen to this podcast as the years come. And I know that your time is valuable.
[00:59:16] Like we said, we don't get time back. And in the fact that you took, you know, an hour and a half of that time to sit here with me today, it means a lot. I do really appreciate it, man. If there's anything that I can ever provide value to you about, you know, feel free for sure. Obviously, to always reach out because you know, as far as I'm concerned, we are allies and I appreciate you becoming an ally to the rest of the allies to prosperity community, man.
[00:59:38] Terry Thayer: [00:59:38] And I love doing this love Sharon. And hopefully there's just that one person that I touched enough, or we touched enough to be able to help them have some type of major breakthrough in their life.
[00:59:50]Tyler Austin: [00:59:50] Love it too. Thank you so much. I appreciate it again. If you guys need to reach out to Terry, feel free, scroll back to listen to what he said on where you can reach out on his website, but it'll also be in the show notes. So click that and be sure to follow him. You know, he gives away a lot of really good information on Instagram.
[01:00:05] So make sure you go follow him on Instagram. I mean, he. He shows, you know, I've seen a lot of information and info. As far as the sites he uses for hiring, he does lives. I mean, a lot of information, that's all free information you can glean on. So don't take that for granted, literally the things that he spent, thousands of dollars to learn, you know, he puts it out there.
[01:00:23]so, so embrace yourself into that community. Someone who's being a go giver. thank you so much, Terry. I appreciate it. And you guys continue on and thank you for being allies.

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